31 lives in 23 minutes
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You are receiving this email because you took action to end wasteful government
animal testing. If you no longer believe in ending taxpayer-funded animal
experiments, you can unsubscribe
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Sadly, we haven’t raised the money WCW needs.
Take this LAST CHANCE to MATCH your gift before 11:59PM.
For the next 23 minutes, use these secure links:
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One-time gifts are DOUBLED before midnight!
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Monthly gifts are QUADRUPLED to save even more by 11:59 pm!
This is your final opportunity. Please send a tax-deductible donation to stop
taxpayer-funded animal testing.
Team WCW
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RUSH $3.10 >> BECOMES $6.20
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Just ten cents per crippled animal!
RUSH $20 >> BECOMES $40
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Advertising & more to expose NIH to 40+ taxpayers & pet owners
RUSH $50 >> BECOMES $100
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Fight in the courts & more to hold NIH accountable
RUSH $100 >> BECOMES $200
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Lobby Congress & more to end NIH’s cat & dog labs
RUSH $250 >> BECOMES $500
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Launch media investigations & other efforts to expose NIH
Rush Other Amount >>
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Spare more lab animals!
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Want to REALLY help?
Make it a monthly donation & you’ll be QUADRUPLE matched
11:59pm on Tuesday, 12/31:
In 48 hours, the NIH may ram through even more money at UPenn. Payout #P40OD010939 is up for renewal.
The crippling experiments could begin at any moment.
The most effective way to stop any taxpayer-funded animal test is to stop the
abuse BEFORE it begins.
If we don’t cover our rapid response budget, 31 more puppies and kittens, like
"Janet Jackson," will be crippled in UPenn’s lab. All will be slaughtered.
Please rush a secure, emergency donation of as much as you can afford to support
all our life-saving campaigns. Please help us stop NIH-payout #P40OD010939
before the new round of breeding and crippling begins at UPenn.
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[[link removed]]Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
Read our Blog [[link removed]]
Visit Our Website [[link removed]]
Make A Donation
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[[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]]White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog.
Contributions are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
You are receiving this email at
[email protected]
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Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-0856543