Hi friend,
Bringing Maura’s email back to the top of your inbox.
Right now, we’re still $17,500 short, and the midnight deadline for our 2x matching gift is just hours away.
I need to give EWG’s leadership an update about whether we can fund our 2025 research, but I’m not sure we can close the gap.
If you haven’t had a chance to make a donation yet, this is your moment. Even just $15 will make a difference, and your donation will be doubled to help protect your health and the environment next year.
It only takes a minute to make a gift – and I’d be so grateful if we could count on you tonight.
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What we raise in the next few hours will help shape what we can do to protect your health and the environment next year.
With deep thanks for helping us finish the year strong,
Helen Lucey
Senior Director of Digital, EWG
P.S. If you’ve already made a gift – thank you so much! If I haven’t seen it, please know your generosity means the world to us.
---------- Original Message ----------
[email protected]
From: Maura Walsh, EWG
Date: Tuesday, December 31st, 2024
Subject: So much more than a number
Environmental Working Group
Time Is Running Out
Year End Donor Challenge
Goal: $35,490 Left to Raise
8 Hours to Midnight
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Dear friend,
With just hours left in 2024, here is a quick update about where EWG stands.
We’re still $35,490 short of our yearly goal and absolutely need to raise $4,436 every hour between now and midnight.
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This isn’t just about hitting a number. We need your support to keep producing the research that you rely on and that helps us stand up to Big Ag and the chemical industry. Under the new administration, we must be ready to fight pro-industry, anti-environment policies that could threaten all we fight for.
I know it’s New Year’s Eve, but I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t urgent. You’ve been there for us before and I know if you stand with us again, we will hit this critical goal. If you’re reading this now, can we count on you to chip in and help us hit this hour’s goal ($4,436)?
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EWG’s 2025 plans are ambitious – tackling food additives, the PFAS contamination crisis, chemicals in drinking water and more – but we can’t do it without you.
We’re ready to get it done, but EWG depends on individuals like you for funding. Will you give right now so we can get to work for you? Remember, if you give before midnight, your gift will be MATCHED, doubling your impact.
Click here to rush a tax-deductible donation to EWG – before our midnight deadline – to help us continue the fight we started more than 30 years ago.
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I want you to know how much it means to EWG – and to me – that you’re supporting us at this crucial moment.
When you give to EWG, you’re making one of the best possible investments in your family’s health and safety.
Thanks again for all of your support.
Happy New Year!
Maura Walsh
Executive Vice President of Marketing & Communications, EWG
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