Help elect Stephen Smith for WV Governor.


you will decide who wins the Governor's race.


Yesterday WMOV released a poll that is a statistical tie (Stephen and one other candidate both within the margin of error). Every poll we’ve seen in this race has been a statistical tie.


And a tie goes to the team that hustles the hardest. That can be us.


This race will come down to the hours we give and the dollars we donate right now. This is it.


18 days remain.


Donate here: 

Volunteer here:

We can finally win a West Virginia that belongs to all of us, and not just the wealthy Good Old Boys. If you join us.


We have the only campaign in this race that doesn’t take corporate cash, the only campaign with a union staff. We’re the only campaign that visited every county at least twice to build a platform that includes an End to Corruption, Full Cannabis Legalization, making Broadband a Public Utility, and more. We’ve held more Town Halls and secured more donations than all of our opponents combined. We know how to hustle.


We can win on June 9th. With your help.


Stephen Smith

Candidate for Governor



Join us tomorrow morning at 10:30 for our weekly GOTV Rally! 

Join us on on video:

Or use your phone to call in: (646) 876 9923 ID: 406 771 647




Paid for and authorized by Smith for WV.