From The Alliance <[email protected]>
Subject W're In the Final Hours to Triple Your Gift!
Date December 31, 2024 11:20 PM
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Dear John,
[[link removed]] This is your last chance to make a contribution and have it matched to ensure we can support bold gun safety policies in the coming year. [[link removed]]
2025 is going to be a critical year. The stakes are high and we cannot achieve our goals without you! A generous donor has offered to match all gifts made – Now is the time to have your impact tripled!
Together we can ensure a safer future for our communities. We cannot secure ambitious gun safety policy without your help. And your gift will be matched!
[[link removed]] Join us by making a contribution before the end of the year and we will continue to push for critical change in our fight to end gun violence together. [[link removed]]
Triple My Gift [[link removed]]
Wishing you a joyous and peaceful new year!
[[link removed]] Renée Hopkins
Alliance for Gun Responsibility
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Alliance for Gun Responsibility
PO Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194
United States
Manage your subscriptions or unsubscribe here: unsubscribe: [link removed]
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