Environment Colorado Year-End Drive Your gift to help save the bees MATCHED up to $100,000


Bees are amazing creatures -- they're intelligent, great communicators and do an amazing job pollinating beautiful flowers and delicious foods.

Bees are worth saving. That's why we're so hard at work to end the worst uses of deadly neonicotinoids.

There's never a bad day to help save the bees, but today your donation goes even further. Donate before midnight and generous donors will double your gift, up to $100,000 nationwide.

This means we'll have twice the resources to bring together nature-lovers, engage the public, and tackle the worst uses of bee-killing pesticides. Donate today.

Thank you,

Ellen Montgomery

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Environment Colorado <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Subject: Review your Environment Colorado member record
To: John xxxxxx <[email protected]>

Environment Colorado Year-End Drive


Our midnight deadline is right around the corner -- and our records show you haven't donated yet, John. There's still time to help us protect pollinators and fuel another year of vital conservation work. Will you donate today?

For Immediate Review

Name: John xxxxxx
Environment Colorado Member Number: 742-22721117
Year-End Drive Donor: NOT YET
Eligible for Match: YES

Year-End Drive Status

Goal: $200,000
Deadline: Midnight, December 31
Current Progress: 72% to goal

In just 35 years, the likelihood of a bumblebee population surviving in North America has declined by almost half.1 This is just one of the many indications that bees are in peril.

Your donation will help us prepare for a new year of running ambitious campaigns to save our pollinators. And if you donate before midnight tonight, every single dollar will be matched, up to $100,000 nationwide. Can I count on you to help us reach our goal?

There's a reason we associate the busy hum of a bumblebee with vibrant spring seasons. That sound means a bee is hard at work spreading pollen and ensuring a new year of colorful blooms and flourishing plant life.

Apples, strawberries, chocolate and coffee all rely on bees and other pollinators, along with 90% of wild, flowering plants.2,3

But these days, it's all too common for a buzzing bee to encounter toxic pesticides called neonics. These chemicals can make her confused, unable to find her way home, cause uncontrollable shaking and neurological damage, or simply kill her outright.4

We're working to restrict the worst uses of these bee-killing pesticides. Will you donate today to help fuel another year of protecting pollinators and all of our natural spaces?

Across the U.S., 4 million acres of crops are sprayed with neonics every year.5 And once they're in the environment, there's no telling where these toxic chemicals will end up -- or where a busy bee might encounter them.

We're working to change that.

Environment Colorado has already won limits on some uses of neonics in Colorado. Now, we're continuing our campaigns to curb the wost uses of bee-killing pesticides and expand pollinator habitat before we lose the gentle buzzing of bees in springtime for good.

Before the deadline, your donation will go twice as far. Will you donate by midnight and have your gift matched dollar-for-dollar?

Thank you for making this work possible,

Ellen Montgomery

P.S. If you've already donated to our Year-End Drive, thank you! We may still be processing your gift.

1. Anne Shibata Casselman, "Here a Bee, There a Bee, Everywhere a Wild Bee," Hakai Magazine, August 20, 2024.
2. "The Importance of Pollinators," USDA, last accessed December 12, 2024.
3. "World Bee Day," United Nations, last accessed December 24, 2024.
4. Steve Blackledge, "3 ways neonic pesticides are harming bees," Environment America, April 19, 2024.
5. Jonathan Hettinger, "EPA says three widely used pesticides driving hundreds of endangered species toward extinction," Missouri Independent, July 27, 2023.

Your donation will be used to support all of our campaigns to protect the environment, from saving the bees and protecting public lands, to standing up for clean water and fighting climate change. None of our work would be possible without supporters like you. Environment Colorado may transfer up to $50 per dues-paying member per year into the Environment Colorado Small Donor Committee.

Environment Colorado, Inc.
1543 Wazee St., Suite 400, Denver, CO 80202, (303) 573-3871

Member questions or requests call 1-800-401-6511.
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