Please support independent journalism with your year-end gift today.
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Dear fellow progressive,
As we near the end of 2024, I want to ensure you've received our urgent year-end fundraising appeal. With the uncertainty looming over the next four years, your immediate support is more crucial than ever. Please consider donating ([link removed]) by midnight tonight to make a real impact.
Like our fellow publications in the independent news landscape, we’ve faced a dip in individual donations this year. Right now, we still need to raise $24,720 by midnight to meet our annual budget. We are incredibly close, and with your support, we can hit our mark—but we cannot do it without you!
Please act now and make a year-end, tax-deductible donation today. Your contribution directly supports the vital reporting and critical information available on our website and in our magazine. Every moment counts—thank you for standing with us!
Thank you,
Daniel Libby
Director of Advancement and Engagement
P.S. – If you have already made a donation, thank you, it means a great deal to us!
--------ORIGINAL MESSAGE---------
From: Norman Stockwell
Subject: The need for The Progressive has never been greater!
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Dear Progressive reader,
At this time of year, we always send out an online funding appeal to ask for your support.
But in many ways, this year is different from any other in recent memory. The results of the November 5 election will be transformational for this country and our world, but also for The Progressive magazine. For more than 115 years, we have brought you news and information from a progressive perspective, covering the stories that many other publications—especially those with billionaire owners—won’t touch, and bringing reports and analyses of the struggles and victories of grassroots movements.
We will continue to do these things. I want to say “now more than ever” at the end of that sentence. With the rise of an authoritarian-minded right, and the almost unchecked opportunity for those forces to reshape our government and our daily lives, our task here at The Progressive is indeed more important than ever. But I also fear that the difficulty of the task will be greater than ever as well. The costs of producing a bimonthly magazine and hosting a daily news website continue to grow, yet in spite of this, we are committed to bringing you this information, along with inspiration from the struggles for a better world.
We can persist in working to be a voice for peace and social justice only with your generous support. We can’t do it without you.
Throughout our long history, we have continually taken the more difficult path—speaking truth to power, shining a light in the dark, smoke-filled rooms of the policy makers, holding the powerful accountable, and showcasing the efforts of grassroots movements and the victories of everyday people over corporate behemoths.
Today is no different. Our newest issue looks with a careful eye at the wins and losses of the 2024 elections; covers the rise in labor activism across the country; and reports on mutual aid groups helping in the recovery efforts following Hurricane Helene. Plus we offer eight pages of book reviews by our staff and contributors, highlighting our favorite books of 2024.
But most of all, we lean into our proud history of speaking against militarism and violence as a way of solving conflict. As brutal wars are raging in Gaza and in Ukraine, our writers look at the history and root causes of these conflicts, and speak to the need for a ceasefire and a nonviolent resolution. As the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. said more than a half century ago in 1967, “Violence merely increases hate . . . Returning violence for violence multiplies violence.”
The Progressive has been able to keep its independence throughout the years because we have a dedicated group of readers like you that help us to survive with generous donations each year. In 1910, on this magazine’s first anniversary, founder Robert M. La Follette wrote, “The path we have chosen is not strewn with roses. No magazine or newspaper that sets out to speak fearlessly and truthfully about the wrongs committed in the name of Big Business and Big Politics finds the way smooth and the profits certain.”
Your support has allowed, and continues to allow us to speak fearlessly. Your support has allowed and continues to allow this publication to grow and reach out to new audiences. And your support has allowed, and continues to allow our writers to cover the important issues of our time—the wars and the peace movements, the climate crisis and the grassroots response, the politics of hate and the movements for change. Without you, we could not continue; with you, we can continue to do more.
Please click the link below to make a donation today, and please share The Progressive with friends, relatives, and neighbors that you think might want (or need) to hear what is in these pages.
Donate Now! ([link removed])
In solidarity,
Norman Stockwell
P.S. – Please consider becoming a monthly sustainer ([link removed]) and help to keep us on an even keel all year round. It truly will make a difference in our ability to continue this work. Please contact our office at 1-800-827-0555 if you are looking for other ways to support this work!
P.P.S. – If you have already made a donation, thank you, it means a great deal to us. If you have not, please click here and give a gift today. We also invite you to share this message with a friend or family member that you think may also wish to support our work.
P.P.S. - We have recently partnered with ([link removed]) to offer a new service to our supporters. FreeWill is a secure, online tool that will take you through the will preparation process step by step. If you have a simple estate, you can print your legal will to be signed and witnessed. If you have a more complex estate, the same tools will help you document your wishes and help find a qualified attorney near you to finalize your plans.
The Progressive, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and your contribution, minus the value of any goods or services rendered, is therefore deductible for federal income tax purposes to the full extent of the law. Federal Tax ID: 39-0773233
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