Broadcasting REAL American News
Fellow Patriot, Let me get straight to point: we’re in the middle of a massive firefight...
The radical Left is colluding TO FORCE CONSERVATIVES OFF THE AIR!
They’re taking advantage of the uncertainty with COVID19 to clear the slate....
And now they’re targeting Tucker Carlson!
Help us inundate Fox with petitions: Keep Tucker on-air or pay the price!
Tucker has been leading the charge in calling out leftist Democrats for their draconian lockdown orders…
… and now Fox’s execs are kowtowing to the radical Left and pressuring Tucker to cave to the lockdown…or else.
Democrat governors are arresting anyone who calls them out for killing freedom with the lockdowns. And the Left simply can’t stand patriots like Tucker preaching liberty in the midst of their COVID-inspired despotism.
Tucker called them out on his show this week:
"When politicians arrest people who disagree with them, what sort of moment is that?"
The Left hates being exposed, so they’re working overtime to take down Tucker…
And if we don’t stop them, they’ll be emboldened to continue taking down ALL conservative voices.
That’s why we’re calling on ALL patriots to blast Fox and STOP THE MADNESS!
If we don’t rally behind Tucker immediately…
…his days are numbered.
Are you with us? Will you join the petition right now?
Steve Eichler, CEO,
Freedom Corps, LLC
16192 Coastal Hwy
Lewes, DE 19958