This year, we left it all out on the field. And with your help, we were instrumental in stemming the right-wing MAGA tide and keeping Colorado as blue as possible.
In a year where just about every state in the nation shifted right, Colorado barely budged. That is in no small part due to our efforts.
And now, we are poised for greatness in 2025 and beyond—all because you stepped up consistently to help us make an impact in key regions and races throughout the state.
But we do have our work cut out for us. Lauren Boebert's first term representing a part of the state she does not live in and does not know will present endless chances for her new constituents to grow weary of her nonsense.
Case in point: Boebert recently started a Cameo account asking for $250 a pop for custom messages and random birthday greetings...and then was forced to deactivate it when someone reminded her she is still a Member of Congress and that there are ethics rules. Maybe Matt's Gaetz's experience with the Ethics Committee scared her off?