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Every 20 minutes, a Texan baby is killed by illegal or out-of-state abortions. But it only takes 1 minute for you to help rescue them and change lives.

In the last moments of 2024, there is no greater gift than bringing joy and hope to a pregnant woman who doesn't know how beautiful adoption or parenting can be.

That’s why we’re following up after John’s email yesterday to see if you’re still committed to saving babies from abortion. 

Will you chip in before our midnight deadline?

Thank you in advance for helping children experience their first birthday, first Christmas, and many other special memories that LIFE brings.

God bless you.
- Texas Right to Life

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John Seago
Date: Mon, Dec. 30, 2024
Subject: John, we need your help with adoption
To: [email protected]


Did you know that only 1% of women facing unexpected pregnancies choose adoption, while 41% abort? At the same time, 1 to 2 million families in the U.S. are waiting to adopt a precious child.

You can join the fight to stop abortion and increase life-affirming choices like parenting and adoption.

Will you help save babies in 2025 by giving a year-end gift?
All donations will directly impact what you and I are able to accomplish next year for the Pro-Life cause.
What’s driving so many mothers to choose abortion over adoption?
  • Deceptive Ads: Illegal organizations target vulnerable women and teenage girls with ads offering “encouraging advice” that coerces them into out-of-state or online abortions.
  • Myths About Adoption: Many women wrongly believe adoption means their newborn baby will enter the foster care system, discouraging them from considering private adoption.
  • Propaganda: Pro-abortion rhetoric often paints adoption as a cold or impossible choice, while glorifying abortion as empowerment.
Your generosity could:
✅ Counteract the lies of pro-abortion groups with truth and support for mothers;
✅ Train Pro-Life college students to minister to their peers and provide resources to pregnant students; and 
✅ Advocate for life-saving laws this January to improve adoption and stop abortion pills being mailed to women.
2024 is almost over, and your support right now is critical to save lives.
>> If we don’t hit our goal, we may have to make cuts to our programs when we really need to increase our Pro-Life efforts.

Will you take this opportunity to rescue countless preborn babies by giving a year-end gift today?

Give now and join the movement!

Together, we can turn the tide and give precious children the chance to live and thrive.

Thank you in advance for your incredible generosity.
For Life,
P.S. John, if you'd like to give by mail, please send your contribution to our address and write END-OF-YEAR in the memo of your check:

Texas Right to Life
4500 Bissonnet St. Suite 305
Bellaire, TX 77401


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