
Things get hectic, I know. Especially this time of year.

But with C4L in the planning stage of critical legislative battles for 2025, we’re on the verge of having to make some painful cutbacks, unless we can count on your support today.

I hope you will please take a moment to read Dr. Paul’s important message below.

Your past support proves you care about defending liberty, fighting back against statist power grabs, and going on offense to expand liberty. But our system has alerted us that you have not yet renewed your support for Campaign for Liberty this year. And that is my fault for not reaching out to you directly. For that I apologize, but this end-of-year rush affects all of us.

As you’ll see in Dr. Paul’s note, Campaign for Liberty needs your support now more than ever.

With 2024 coming to an end, we can look back on many achievements over the years.

If you can make an end-of-year donation to renew your support, it really will give us the boost we need to prepare for an aggressive program for liberty in 2025.

Even if you can only chip in a small amount, your generous renewal contribution means a great deal to us.
(If you mailed a check to our office or our system hasn't recorded your recent donation yet, I apologize and thank you for your support.)

Happy New Year and for more liberty in 2025.

John McCardell
Executive Director
Campaign for Liberty

On Dec 22, 2024, at 1:40pm, Ron Paul <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear ,

Election day has come and gone . . . and the voters demanded change in Washington, D.C.

How much change we will get still remains to be seen, even with Republicans preparing to control the White House, the Senate, and the House.

The House of Representatives might be in the hands of Republicans – for now – but you and I MUST hold their feet to the fire to make sure our liberties aren’t eroded further.

While some liberty-minded Republicans did manage to win seats in the election, many establishment, “go along to get along” Republicans remain at the helm and calling the shots.

Early results have been mixed. On one hand, Republicans resoundingly rejected House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) pork-laden, 1,500-page omnibus budget deal.

It was so bad, Mike Johnson’s future as House Speaker was called into question, with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) calling him “a weak, weak man.”

But then, when House Republicans came back with a shorter bill that would have continued spending with no cuts and suspended the debt ceiling for two years, President-Elect Trump attacked the Republicans who opposed the continued spending, even threatening primary challenges against those who held the line!

As Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) lamented:

“Now conservatives are clamoring for a clean CR and a debt limit increase! Isn’t that what Speaker McCarthy was vacated for? How times change.”

We’ve seen this before. Trump will attack Republicans who are too fiscally responsible. . . when it’s those who spend like drunken sailors who should be condemned.

Not only that, but with such a razor-thin majority, there is very little room for the typical early retirements or illnesses, which happen every session.

I am hopeful that with advisors like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, who want to act swiftly to dramatically cut the spending once Republicans take over the Senate next year, things may improve.

But . . .

1) The new incoming Senate Majority Leader, John Thune (R-SD), has a poor voting history.

2) Donald Trump made some unwise decisions his first time around, and his attack on fiscal conservatives last week is a bad sign that he hasn’t learned much.

3) Nothing is ever guaranteed in Washington, D.C.!

So with 2025 right around the corner – and Campaign for Liberty SURE to face many critical battles – you and I need to prepare NOW for offensive and defensive battles.

, can I count on you to please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty by making your most generous end-of-year contribution, right away so we can hit the ground running in 2025?

The truth is, the coming year is going to be an absolutely critical year for those of us who believe in liberty and limited government.

With your help, 2025 could very well be the year our efforts to audit (and then end) the Fed gain significant traction, especially as economic conditions continue to deteriorate.

But we also need to be ready to mount a substantial defense against serious threats that are already on the horizon. . .

Battles over a digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, gun control, government spending, expanded government spying, billions upon billions of your dollars more to fight a proxy war in Ukraine, and more are all in the works.

Just because Republicans are in control, history tells us they push bad legislation too!

And the Federal Reserve is at the root of every one of these problems you and I face.

After all, Congress could not recklessly raid the treasury to fund these endeavors if the Fed wasn’t there to back up their spending spree with endless piles of fiat dollars.

You and I both know the Fed is more out of control than ever before with their “print money now, ask questions later” policy.

And with the big banksters and their cronyism going at full speed while the economy is on the brink of collapse, you can be sure the Fed will be up to even more tricks.

The truth is, I don’t know how much more we can take. Our national debt is now a whopping $36.2 TRILLION . . . and rising fast.

Every U.S. taxpayer is now on the hook for $271,790.

And even if you whipped out your checkbook to pay “your part,” it wouldn’t cover one red cent of this year’s government spending. All it would do is go to pay off past debt.

Various studies have even shown that if you took every single cent of wealth from the U.S. billionaires, it would fund less than one year of government spending.

But the problem isn’t billionaires. The problem is how much politicians spend. And it’s not just one party that’s responsible! Just consider BOTH parties’ power-drunk response to the COVID hysteria and funding the war in Ukraine.

In order to keep spending like they do, Congress needs the Fed to keep creating more and more money out of thin air.

The problem is, average Americans are now feeling the end result of all this money creation every time they pay their bills or go to the grocery store and gas station.

With no end in sight to Congress’ inflationary spending, the Fed needs a way to control how YOU spend (or save) your money. Which leads to their biggest goal in 2025 – implementing a digital dollar they fully control.

A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) would give the government the ability to track what you are purchasing and even prevent you from buying items you want, including firearms for self-protection.

Because if they can’t take your guns through gun control – and they will try that again in 2025 as well – they will just do an end around.

The globalists are salivating at the notion of using a CBDC for social engineering.

As one central banker put it, “You could think of giving your children pocket money but programming the money so that it couldn’t be used for sweets. There is a whole range of things that money could do, programmable money, which we cannot do with the current technology.”

It’s revealing the banking elites view the population as unruly children they need to control.

And the “sweets” they really want to control include firearms . . . what you drive . . . what you eat . . . where you live . . . your health care choices . . .

One pro-CBDC exec even had the audacity to say a Central Bank Digital Currency could work like vouchers, with a similar goal of restricting YOU to buying only what the powers-that-be deem as “essentials” with YOUR money.

And would it surprise you to find out this exec is a member of the World Economic Forum’s CBDC Working Group? The same WEF behind the so-called “Great Reset!”

You and I also face other threats to our liberties in the form of more government spying on American citizens, “Green New Deal” legislation, and even more Covid restrictions.

Unless you and I stop them!

In 1775, Patrick Henry famously challenged fellow patriots with the brave words, As for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

With the slim majorities in the U.S. House and Senate, and no guarantee the Republicans will defend liberty, you and I need to be ready for many battles in 2025.

From every corner, freedom is under assault. The statists are on the march, and they will not give up until our liberties have been completely wiped out.

That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2025 at once.

With so much at stake in the coming year, I’m asking all Campaign for Liberty supporters to stretch and give more than they have in the past – $250 if you can afford it.

I realize that’s a lot to ask for. But you know just as well as I do that the moment we stop fighting is the moment we lose everything.

Of course, if $250 is just too much, will you please agree to $100, $50, or at least $25?

2025 is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for the Liberty Movement. Each and every one of us have a role to play.

It will take work. But it’s work our R3VOLUTION has proven we can do. Please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty at once!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. With 2025 right around the corner – and Campaign for Liberty SURE to face many critical battles – you and I need to prepare NOW.

With your help, 2025 could very well be the year our efforts to audit (and then end) the Fed gain significant traction, especially as economic conditions continue to deteriorate.

But we also need to be ready to mount a substantial defense against serious threats that are already on the horizon. . .

Battles over a digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, gun control, government spending, expanded government spying, billions upon billions of your dollars to fight a proxy war in Ukraine, and more will all be in the works.

Can I count on you to please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty by making your most generous contribution, right away?

If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.

Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron Paul.

If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162.

The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).