Thanks again for your help in 2024. Every action mattered - donating, volunteering, and voting. April & I are so grateful for your help. In November
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Happy New Year's Eve, JOHN,
April and I are so grateful for your help. In November, we ended the Congressional race needing additional funds to pay off campaign expenses, and so many people stepped forward to help us.
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we prayed for help, and we are so thrilled; we have almost paid everything off. Our Christmas was spent giving thanks for all of you and for God's help. I do need to ask you one more time for help. It would be wonderful to finalize everything in the last few hours of 2024. (or the beginning few hours of 2025!)
We have been honored to have you on our "team." This was an intense election cycle. Would you be able to help us one more time with a donation today?
An immediate donation of $15, $50, $200, $500 or even $1000 to Parrott for Congress would help us close the account for the new year.
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You have been an integral part of our team where we raised and spent over $1.1 Million working to help Republicans take back the House so that we could bring America to a better place for our kids and grandkids. Even though we were very disappointed, for both us and all of our volunteers and supporters, it was a bittersweet night. So many races turned out well.
April and I want to thank you for all the work you did in 2024. We made a difference. Thankfully, the Republicans kept the House, took control of the Senate, and now President Trump and his advisors are set to move forward quickly on a positive agenda.
2025 is a New Year where our country needs to secure our southern border, open up our energy supplies, make the tax cuts permanent, and work to stop excessive and unnecessary government spending. It will be exciting to watch.
Your donation of $15, $50, $200, $500 or even $1000 to Parrott for Congress right now will help me close 2024 well and get ready for the next chapter in 2025.
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Thanks again for your help in 2024. Every action mattered - donating, volunteering, voting.
2025 will be here at midnight. As April and I think about goals for our New Year, I know that in some form we will continue to work alongside you to make a positive difference for our families and our country.
Thank you also for considering
a donation of $15, $50, $200, $500 or even $1000 to Parrott for Congress TONIGHT. I hope to see you in 2025!
For our country and our families,
Neil C. Parrott
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Delegate Neil Parrott . PO Box 32 . Funkstown, MD 21734-0032 . USA