From Match Deadline @ Sierra Club <[email protected]>
Subject Midnight offer expiring ⏰
Date December 31, 2024 8:11 PM
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We’re thrilled to share some incredible news with you: we’ve officially helped shut down our 385th pollution-spewing coal plant since 2010! 

This week, Painesville, Ohio, announced it will close its century-old coal plant by 2030 and replace it with a solar farm and battery. This is a major win for the local community in Painesville, and for the climate – and it couldn’t have happened without Sierra Club members and supporters like you. 

Earlier this month, we asked for your help to close 15 more coal plants by the end of the year – and now we’re one step closer to reaching our goal.

But, Friend, our work is far from over. We still need to close 14 more coal plants by the end of 2024 to stay on track – will you make a gift today to help strengthen our grassroots efforts fighting coal and other fossil fuels, so we can win more victories like this one?
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When power plants burn coal, the particles they release into the air are too small to be seen by the naked eye. The poisonous droplets of metals, chemicals, and acids are easily inhaled by unsuspecting people and animals nearby – making their way deep into the lungs, and eventually the bloodstream. 

The damage done by these tiny, invisible toxins is devastating. It makes older adults sick. It causes asthma attacks in kids. And every year, it kills 3,800 people who may have otherwise led long, healthy lives. 

The solution to this deadly problem is both simple – shut down every last coal plant in the U.S. – and within our reach. With your support, we've already closed 385 coal plants nationwide, saving 50,000+ lives. But more than 100 coal plants around the country are actively spewing toxic pollution into our air and water today, hurting families and making our communities sicker. 

Thanks to Sierra Club members and supporters like you, we’re getting closer and closer to the day when deadly coal pollution is a relic of the past. Your support is crucial to our success – will you make a gift to help us shut down 14 more coal plants before the end of the year? Your support will strengthen grassroots action to retire more coal plants, and urge Congress to defend critical pollution standards, and more!
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We’re deeply grateful for your dedication and support – thanks for sticking with us,Friend.
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P.S. We’ll send you a FREE set of reusable eco-chic grocery bags as a token of our thanks!
Get My Reusable Bags
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