Mises Institute
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
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Jimmy Carter’s Legacy Is Much More than Good Deeds Done in His Later Years
William L. Anderson
Carter’s successful deregulation efforts have left a positive and lasting legacy.
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Last Day to Give in 2024!
Mises Institute
End the year right and get a head start on a great New Year’s Resolution by helping the Mises Institute!
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An Economic Forecast for 2025
Mark Thornton projects what we might see in the coming new year.
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Finding Shelter from Monetary Racketeers
The government keepers of money do not understand what money is or why inflation is harmful.
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Under Trump, Expect No Change to the Monetary Status Quo
The Trump team plans to tinker with government spending, but this does nothing to address the real problem which is the current inflationist monetary experiment.
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Is the Market Economy Inherently Unstable, Or Is Government the Culprit?
The Federal Reserve and so-called government stabilizers exist ostensibly to balance a market economy that supposedly is fundamentally unstable.
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Radical Republicans and the Thirteenth Amendment
In the creation and implementation of the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery, revisionist historians see a series of complex events in which the political agenda of Radical Republicans dominated the South.
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The Revolution of 1913
Tom DiLorenzo presented this talk at the 2005 Austrian Scholars Conference.
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How Inflation Destroys Civilization
Fiat inflation leaves a characteristic cultural and spiritual stain on human society. Guido Hülsmann takes a closer look at some aspects of this legacy.
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