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Webinar: Making Paid Leave Happen During A Pandemic and Beyond 
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 1 - 2:30 pm ET 
  • Namatie Mansaray, Caring Across Generations
  • Awesta Sarkash, Small Business Majority
  • Vicki Shabo, New America
  • Karen Kali, NCRC
  • Joseph Reed, NCRC
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Dear NCRC members and allies,

Paid leave is an equity issue. Access to paid leave is shown to improve health outcomes, and workers without it are forced to risk their health and the health of those around them to maintain an income. Paid leave during the COVID-19 pandemic is especially critical to public health and economic security.

Beyond the emergency provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response (CARES) Act, today in the United States, just 19% of all workers have access to designated paid family leave to care for a new child or a seriously ill loved one. Many workers may be experiencing a spiral into debt as serious needs arise and the emergency blanket offered by paid leave doesn’t exist. And access to paid leave is lower among low-wage workers and people of color.
How will paid leave policies change as a result of COVID-19, and what impact will they have on the nation’s workforce?

Please join NCRC on May 26 at 1 pm ET for our webinar Making Paid Leave Happen During A Pandemic and Beyond.
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