Our annual charts and graphs message showing that we're reducing emissions, but not enough or fast enough, and that Trump will make it worse.

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Just give me a second to explain John.

A sreenshot of the video explainer of our 2024 charts and graphs post
A chart showing US climate actions to date are insufficient

For the first time since the Pandemic, US emissions are going down. But they're not going down enough, or fast enough, to meet our promises under the Paris climate agreement.

A chart showing how much US emissions are projected to go down, even if Trump repeals or rolls-back some of the work we've done

Some of our progress reducing climate pollution will stick, no matter what Trump does. There are coal plants that will not come back, and renewable energy investments that can't be undone. But Trump will certainly try and roll back or repeal any progress we've made. And, of course, we weren't making enough progress to start with.?

a chart showing US electricity generation by source - gas is the biggest and fastest growing part.

The biggest problem, as always, if fossil fuels - especially fossil gas. Even though Renewables are growing, fossil gas is growing faster. There have been a couple encouraging signs in the last few weeks, but it's clear that we're going to need more and more-radical non violent direct action to shut down fossil fuels in the coming year(s) ahead.

A chart showing temperature pathways to 2100 with 2-3 C of warming as the most likely outcome.

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