From Maine Department of Environmental Protection <[email protected]>
Subject January 2025 O&M Newsletter
Date December 31, 2024 6:42 PM
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O &amp; M Newsletter headerEnviroNews banner: forest stream, lake cottage, landfill construction, autumn field, winter lakefront
*JANUARY 2025*

In this issue:

* Certification and Training Update. [ #link_1 ]
* Chapter 583: Nutrient Criteria for Class AA, A, B, and C Fresh Surface Waters. [ #link_5 ]
* Summary of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) draft National Recommended Human Health Ambient Water Quality Criteria for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS). [ #link_6 ]
* Preparing for Cold Weather: Is your Wastewater Lagoon Ready for Winter? [ #link_1389912064779 ]
* DMR-QA- 2024 Recap and 2025 Preview. [ #link_2 ]
* Cybersecurity Update. [ #link_1389912068132 ]
* MEWEA Offers Peer to Peer Training Program. [ #link_1389912070779 ]
* Composite Sampler Maintenance and Cleaning. [ #link_3 ]
* For Practice. [ #link_4 ]
* Wishing you all the best in the new year! [ #link_1389912072571 ]


Certification and Training Update.

*March 1, 2025 Renewals Odd-Numbered Operator Certifications*

If your certification ends in an odd number, you will need to renew your certification by March 1, 2025. Renewal notices were sent out by mail. If you have moved or changed your address, please contact Spring Connolly, [email protected] or call 207-253-8020.

You can renew online with a credit card at [link removed]

Not sure if you still need contact hours to renew? Scroll down the page to the blue tab, View TCH Summary, to check your continuing education hours, listed by certification number. This report is updated on the first business day of the month.

*Save the Date for these Conventions and Trade Shows*

* NEWEA’s 2025 Annual Conference & Exhibit January 26-29, 2025 in Boston, MA, Annual Conference - NEWEA Annual Conference [ [link removed] ].
* MWUA 99th Annual Conference, February 5 & 6, 2025 at the Augusta Civic Center, MWUA Annual Tradeshow & Conference - MWUA [ [link removed] ]
* JETCC’s North Country Convention (NCC), 4/2 to 4/3/25 in Presque Isle, : [link removed] [ [link removed] ]
* NEWEA’s Spring Meeting & Exhibit May 11-14, 2025 in Portland, NEWEA Spring Meeting - NEWEA Spring Meeting [ [link removed] ]

*Training Highlights:*

*Prepare for the NEWEA Collection System Exam*

January 14-16, 2025, E.J. Prescott, Gardiner

Are you preparing to take the Grades 1 through 4 of the NEWEA Collection Systems Certification exam? Join instructor Don Kennedy to receive instruction on collection system operation and maintenance (O&M), flow characteristics, collection system components, pump stations, safety, math concepts, example problems, and other topics.

To register for the class, visit [ [link removed] ].

*Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing and Wastewater Lab QA/QC*

JETCC is pleased to present "Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing and Wastewater Lab QA/QC" training at the Haley Ward facilities in Bangor on Thursday, January 23, 2025. The class will be taught by John Tipping, Haley Ward and Brett Goodrich, Maine DEP.

This course will cover the basic procedures for conducting WET testing using examples from their WET laboratory. WET topics include:

* Sample collection, shipment, and documentation
* Testing and SOPs
* Shipment and documentation for associated chemistry samples
* Interpretation of WET and chemistry results

The class includes a tour of the laboratory during a WET test, and participants can observe ongoing Brook Trout, Water Flea, and Sea Urchin tests.

The class will also cover recommended QA/QC procedures for in-house wastewater labs performing BOD, TSS, SS, pH, total residual chlorine, and bacteria testing. The annual DMR-QA proficiency testing program with helpful tips for the most commonly encountered problems and a summary of the 2024 results from participating facilities in Maine will also be discussed.

To register, go to: Registration [ [link removed] ].


Chapter 583: Nutrient Criteria for Class AA, A, B, and C Fresh Surface Waters.

The Department is proposing the new chapter 583 to establish methods to address nutrient enrichment in certain fresh surface waters of the state. Nutrient enrichment can cause negative environmental impacts to surface waters-such as algal blooms, low dissolved oxygen concentrations, excessive growths of filamentous algae or bacteria, and generation of cyanotoxins or affect the resident biological community.

The Department will use the methods described in this Chapter to make decisions about attainment of designated and existing uses of aquatic life support, habitat, and recreation in and on the water of surface waters established in the State's water quality classification system (38 M.R.S. 464-470). This Chapter also sets forth a framework to identify and establish site-specific phosphorus and other nutrient criteria through additional rulemaking.

For additional information, please visit *Chapter 583: Nutrient Criteria for Class AA, A, B, and C Fresh Surface Waters* [ [link removed] ].


Summary of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) draft National Recommended Human Health Ambient Water Quality Criteria for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS).

On December 19, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued draft national recommended Human Health Ambient Water Quality Criteria (draft criteria) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS).  [link removed]

The draft criteria were developed by the EPA under Section 304(a) of the Clean Water Act and may be used by states and authorized Tribes to establish water quality standards and ultimately provide a basis for controlling PFAS discharges.

The draft criteria summarize the ambient concentrations for PFOA, PFOS, and PFBS in surface water, which, if not exceeded will protect the general population from adverse health effects due to ingesting water, fish, and shellfish from inland and nearshore water bodies.

The draft criteria for PFOA and PFOS are extremely low, and well below the laboratory method detection limit for these compounds.  Based on available surface water data, it appears that all Maine surface waters, even in the most remote regions of the state, may exceed the draft criteria for PFOA and/or PFOS, or their attainment status cannot be determined because the draft criteria are below the laboratory method detection limit.  The draft criterion for PFBS is much higher than the criteria for PFOA and PFOS.  Based on available surface water data, it appears that the majority of Maine surface waters are likely to be below the draft criterion with the exception of certain waters that are known to have been impacted by Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF).

The Department will be reviewing the draft criteria in detail during the specified 60-day public comment period and will provide comments to EPA as appropriate. 

For more information, please visit DEP’s PFAS website [ [link removed] ] and PFAS Investigation Map [ [link removed] ].


Preparing for Cold Weather: Is your Wastewater Lagoon Ready for Winter?

Arial photo of lagoon system

Water temperature affects virtually every aspect of wastewater lagoon performance and can aid the operator in preparing for changes in pond performance. Falling temperatures have predictable effects on a wastewater lagoon operations.

A freezing water temperature may cause or contribute to:

* *Structural and equipment damage:* Icing over of liners, baffles, air and power lines, aerators and the like can cause significant damage. In addition, aeration equipment, especially surface aerators, can freeze and malfunction, leaving the lagoon without aeration and more prone to ice over.
* *Destratification:* As temperatures drop in winter, the surface layer of the lagoon cools and becomes denser. The heavier water sinks, displacing the warmer water at the bottom of the lagoon. This process causes the lagoon to destratify and distributes cold water throughout the entire lagoon.
* *Short-circuiting:* Warmer influent, if not properly mixed or if subject to wind, may short-circuit [ [link removed] ], or ride warmer thermoclines out with the effluent without being fully treated, especially if the lagoon surface is iced over.
* *Build-up BOD: *Every 10 degree reduction in temperature reduces microbial activity by 50%. Bacteria and algae slow down their digestive processes in colder temperatures, allowing BOD to accumulate.
* *Reduce DO:* Ice covering the lagoon surface prevents surface adsorption of oxygen from the atmosphere.
* *Sludge buildup:* Without sufficient DO, anaerobic conditions prevail and solids settle at the bottom of lagoon. Also, the bacteria slow down in colder temperatures, leading to lower sludge digestion.
* *Stop nitrification:* Nitrifying bacteria prefer warm water, with an optimal range of 82–97° F. Lagoon ammonia removal virtually stops at the freezing point of 32° F.
* *Reduce phosphorus removal: *Like nitrogen, phosphorus removal is temperature sensitive: According to *Nutrient Removal in a Cold-Region Wastewater Stabilization Pond: Importance of Ammonia Volatilization* [ [link removed] ], "Journal of Environmental Engineering" (April 2006), nearly 50 percent of influent phosphorus was lost from the water column during the summer-fall treatment period, but only about 35 percent was removed during the winter-spring period. Continuous discharge lagoons with effluent phosphorus limits may need to add a tertiary filtration system.
* *Promotes conditions for spring lagoon turnover:* The ice cover seals in the gaseous byproducts of anaerobic digestion. In spring, warming water instigates a burst of biological activity as dissolved oxygen levels improve and the microbes feast on the backlog of BOD. Gases entrained in the sludge cause it to rise to the surface. As the ice cover melts, the built-up gases and sludge are released all at once—along with terrible sulfurous odors that can linger for over a week—making your neighbors very unhappy.

*Optimizing wastewater lagoon operations in winter*

The best defense against cold weather lagoon challenges is to be prepared:

* *Protect equipment:* Be sure surfaces around the lagoon are clear of road gravel, which can damage the lagoon liner with the freeze-thaw cycle. Cover or store unnecessary equipment.
* *Check and maintain outdoor equipment:* If you have any motors sitting outside all winter long, including blowers or surface aerators, change the oil and check any belts for wear and tear. By properly maintaining these motors now you can reduce the risk that they will fail during the cold winter months when it will be harder to access them.
* *Prevent short-circuiting and spring lagoon turnover:* Thorough mixing of the entire water column will ward off thermal stratification. Without thermoclines, warmer influent will incorporate into the overall mix and not flow out untreated. In addition, with a homogeneous water temperature and environment, no spring lagoon turnover can occur.
* *Increase DO to reduce BOD and sludge buildup: *Microbial populations require dissolved oxygen to digest BOD and keep it from building up as sludge.  Provide sufficient oxygenation by adding aeration.

"Copyrighted material. Reprinted with permission from Triplepoint™ lagoon specialists."


DMR-QA- 2024 Recap and 2025 Preview.

In 2024, 121 wastewater treatment facilities in Maine participated in DMR-QA Study 44, 93 of which passed all required tests on the first try.

Here is a summary of the Not Acceptable results for each of the DMR-QA parameters:__

_Total Residual Chlorine_- 11 Not Acceptable results

_Total Suspended Solids-_ 7 Not Acceptable results

_pH-_ 7 Not Acceptable results

_Bacteria tests-_ 5 Not Acceptable results

_BOD-_ 5 Not Acceptable results

_Settleable Solids-_ 2 Not Acceptable results

The official announcement of the opening date for the 2025 DMR-QA study has not been announced. Based on previous years we expect the opening date to be in May or June. All facilities that are enrolled in the DMR-QA program should receive an email from EPA at that time announcing the opening of the study, along with an announcement letter. Please review that letter carefully as it contains important forms that must be filled out along with due dates for results.

If your facility is enrolled in the DMR-QA program and does not receive the announcement letter by the end of June contact the Maine DEP NetDMR coordinator to get a copy.

If you have any questions or need to update your contact information, please contact Brett Goodrich at [email protected] or call 207-450-5590.


Cybersecurity Update.

Online criminals are always looking for easy targets. Businesses that don’t take basic precautions are at risk. Take the following four steps to make it harder for malicious actors to access your data or trick an employee into allowing access to your systems.

* *Teach Employees to Avoid Phishing*
Phishing happens when criminals trick employees into opening malicious attachments or sharing personal info. Implement training to teach employees how to identify and report suspicious activity.
* *Require Strong Passwords*
This is one of the easiest ways to protect your business from criminals who might otherwise access your accounts by guessing or using automated hacking programs.
* *Require Multifactor Authentication*
Use more than a password when signing into accounts—such as a texted code, authenticator app or biometrics—to make them much safer than a password alone! MFA protects accounts by requiring additional authentication to prevent access by others.
* *Update Business Software*
Defects in software, routers, VPNs and apps can give criminals an opening to your accounts. Software manufacturers publish patches, but you must install them to be protected! Don’t use outdated software. Keep business software up to date.

For more information, visit Secure Your Business | CISA at [link removed] [ [link removed] ]


MEWEA Offers Peer to Peer Training Program.

MeWEA is excited to announce their Peer-to-Peer Training program. The program involves wastewater operators, mechanics, lab techs, and managers getting hands on, one-on-one training on a topic of their choosing at another wastewater facility. The program allows operators to create their own custom training, and pairs them with other people that have expertise and experience on the topic. The visiting operator will earn FREE continuing education training credits needed to maintain their wastewater certification. 

To participate in the program:

* Download and complete the training form, choosing between: Operations, Laboratory, or Management. There is also a generic form if the topic you want to learn about falls of the Ops/Lab/Management. This information helps establish the goals and topics of the training session.
* Select the facility you wish to visit and coordinate a time. The MEWEA Treatment Plant Operators Committee is available to assist you in selecting a facility based on your needs.
* Exchanges last a minimum of 1 hour, with a maximum of 3 credit hours per year. Forms are signed by the host.
* Complete all sections of the form and submit to the MEWEA Treatment Plant Operators Committee at [email protected]. You will receive an emailed training certificate which will be sent to NEIWPCC to record your training credits.

This is an exciting opportunity to see how other plants work, learn new skills, and network with other clean water professionals.

To download the training forms, as well as learn about the Peer-to-Peer program, go to [link removed].

For more information on the program, contact Alex Buechner, [email protected].


Composite Sampler Maintenance and Cleaning.

Obtaining accurate and representative results starts with proper sample collection. During the past several months a couple of issues have arisen that were likely caused by composite samplers that were not appropriately cleaned and/ maintained.

This article will discuss recommended maintenance and cleaning procedures for some of the most frequently used composite samplers.

Composite samplers and sample bottles should be thoroughly cleaned between each sampling event. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning the controller, top cover, retaining ring, tub, sample bottles and all wet parts of the sampler.

In general, the strainer and sample bottles can be cleaned with a brush and soapy water then rinsed with clean water. To clean the liquid path through the wetted parts, place the strainer in a cleaning solution and pump through the system. Repeat the process with clean water to rinse the wetted parts. Severely contaminated items should be replaced.

It is also important to maintain your composite sampler according to the manufacturer's recommendations, some of the common items to be routinely checked include:

* Inspect pump for wear. Replace if necessary
* Clean the pump tubing housing
* Change the suction line if necessary
* Clean the bottles, suction line, strainer and pump tube
* Check the humidity indicator
* Check the controller’s internal battery status and replace the battery every 5 years

Contact your compliance inspector or contract laboratory if you have specific questions about cleaning or maintaining your composite sampler.


For Practice.

1. Dangerous gases found at wastewater treatment plants include

a. Argon
b. Methane
c. Peroxide
d. Hydronium chloride

2. Hydrogen sulfide gas is

a. Heavier than air
b. Lighter than air
c. The same density as air
d. Dissolved in air

3. A confined space is

a. Too small to enter
b. Designed for continuous occupancy
c. Not designed for continuous occupancy
d. Never entered for assigned work

4. A "flammable gas" is a gas that can

a. Burn when mixed with air and ignited
b. Burn without oxygen
c. Burn without ignition
d. Explode under normal conditions

5. An "explosive gas" is

a. “Non-lean” concentration
b. Noncombustible
c. A flammable gas that, when mixed with air in the correct proportion, can rapidly combust, generating a significant pressure wave and causing an explosion.
d. A nonflammable gas

6. Both flammable and explosive gases have a "flammable range", which means

a. A concentration level within which they can ignite when exposed to an ignition source
b. A pressure level that causes spontaneous combustion
c. A dissipation level
d. A containment level

7. The abbreviation LEL stands for

a. Lower Elevation Level
b. Lower Explosive Limit
c. Light Element Limit
d. Legitimate Explosive Level

8. LEL is defined as the

a. Highest concentration of a gas in air that can ignite and explode
b. Lowest elevation of a gas that causes combustibility
c. Lowest weight element of an explosive gas
d. Lowest concentration of a gas in air that can ignite and explode

9. When located in confined spaces, atmospheres are considered hazardous when the

a. Concentration of flammable vapors is at or above 1% of the LEL
b. Concentration of flammable vapors is at or above 10% of the LEL
c. Concentration of pathogens is 95% of the permit limit
d. Concentration of acid is < 5

10. A safe oxygen level in a confined space should be between

a. 18.7% and 24%
b. 10% and 90%
c. 12.5% and 23.5%
d. 19.5% and 23.5%

11. What is 86% of 950?

a. 11
b. 86
c. 817
d. 860

12. What is 25 degrees C in degrees F?

a. 45 degrees F
b. 50 degrees F
c. 66.2 degrees F
d. 77 degrees F


1. *b.* Methane
2. *a.* Heavier than air
3. *c.* Not designed for continuous occupancy
4. *a.* Burn when mixed with air and ignited
5. *c.* A flammable gas that, when mixed with air in the correct proportion, can rapidly combust, generating a significant pressure wave and causing an explosion.
6. *a.* A concentration level within which they can ignite when exposed to an ignition source
7. *b.* Lower Explosive Limit
8. *d.* Lowest concentration of a gas in air that can ignite and explode
9. *b.* Concentration of flammable vapors is at or above 10% of the LEL
10. *d.* 19.5% and 23.5%
11. *c.* 0.86 X 950 = 817
12. *d.* (25 degrees X 9/5) + 32 = 77


Wishing you all the best in the new year!

Happy New Year 2025 graphic



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