John —

We wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for helping us hit our mid-month fundraising target. Because of your generosity, we’re on track to reach our August goal.

While we’re only halfway through the month, your support has allowed us to continue gathering the resources we will need in order to take back the Senate in 2020.

After all of the unprecedented attacks we’ve seen on health care, reproductive freedom, and our democracy, the work we are doing together has never been more important.

With your help, we’ll bring our grassroots strategy to states like Maine, Colorado, Arizona, Iowa, and so many more — places where our resources can be put to good use in order to make sure Democrats cross the finish line.

From Mark Kelly (AZ) to Sara Gideon (ME), we have some incredible candidates lined up who will lead us to victory. You’re an increasingly large part of how they’re going to win, John.

As you know, there are 22 Republican-held Senate seats up in 2020, and we only need to win four of them. With your continued support, we will.

Let’s finish August strong.

— Flip the Senate
