Providing resources that journalists — particularly those serving local communities like yours — need to cover and confront all aspects of the pandemic.

(Photo by Brandi Simons)
What’s going on with your source of local news? We’ve found that the coronavirus has already closed more than 25 local newsrooms across the U.S. Poynter has also tracked layoffs and furloughs at more than 120 newsrooms due to the coronavirus.
As a supporter of journalism, you know that local news is important for a thriving, democratic community. Studies show that when there’s no local news, voter participation drops. Political polarization increases. And as preeminent local news reporter, Poynter’s own Kristen Hare, succinctly said: “[Local news] matters because people need to know what’s happening where they live, and the people in charge need to know someone’s watching.”
So this week, Poynter launched “Locally,” an information hub designed specifically to help local journalists navigate their rapidly changing industry. Poynter will chronicle the power and perils of local journalism with original reporting and industry trackers updated daily, while also aggregating tools, tips, jobs and funding all in one central place.
As journalists covering the media, we will bear witness, ask questions and report facts about the situation. As educators, we will train, coach and encourage. As citizens, we will subscribe, donate and engage. Will you join us?