May 22, 2020
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Rev. Mark H. Creech

May 22, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

May 22, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? As more evidence emerges of the role played by former President Barack Hussein Obama in directing Russia-gate, President Donald J. Trump's "allies" are leaving the field of battle. They seem not to want to hold Barack Hussein Obama responsible for what President Trump calls the "biggest political crime in American history, by far!"... (more)

May 22, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Dr. Richard Land once called our country "the divided states of America." How apt--especially when we survey the various responses to the coronavirus. They are lessons in liberty and lessons in tyranny.... (more)

May 22, 2020
CNBC ? If mortgage demand is an indicator, buyers are coming back to the housing market far faster than anticipated, despite coronavirus shutdowns and job losses. Mortgage applications to purchase a home rose 6% last week from the previous week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association's seasonally adjusted index. Purchase volume was just 1.5% lower than a year ago, a rather stunning recovery from just six weeks ago, when purchase volume was down 35% annually.... (more)

May 22, 2020
Health officers will sign 'detention order' if 'you do not comply with this request'
WORLDNETDAILY ? A Washington state lawmaker is alerting citizens to "isolation camps" set up in his state and others to house people who become infected with COVID-19, warning that contrary to the conventional narrative, they are not voluntary.... (more)

May 21, 2020
JOE KOVACS ? Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis unloaded on members of the news media Wednesday for their erroneous predictions about the spread of the deadly coronavirus in the Sunshine State.... (more)

May 21, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Roger Stone told Newsmax TV he wants to get his life back on track after a fight against federal charges wiped out his bank account. "I would like to get back to writing books. I've written five books. One of them is a New York Times best-seller. Three of them are Amazon best-sellers," "I'd like to get back to my syndicated radio show, which was just starting to take off when I was arrested."... (more)

May 20, 2020
JACK CASHILL ? When the final chapter is written on Obamagate, historians will look to the April 10, 2016, as the day President Barack Obama triggered the eponymous coup. Leading from behind as was his wont, Obama was never so far behind that he could not see what was to come. From time to time he showed his hand, starting with an April 10, 2016, appearance on a Fox News Sunday morning show with Chris Wallace.... (more)

May 20, 2020
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday, "instructing federal agencies to use any and all authority to waive, suspend, and eliminate unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery." "We're fighting for the livelihoods of American workers, and we must continue to cut through every piece of red tape that stands in our way," Trump said during a Cabinet meeting Tuesday, talking about economic recovery from the coronavirus shutdowns.... (more)

May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn's lawyer has filed an appeal with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals asking for the removal of Judge Emmet Sullivan from the case. Sullivan has refused to sign off on a motion by the Justice Department to dismiss the case in the wake of newly unsealed evidence confirming Flynn's claim he was set up in a "perjury trap." Instead, Sullivan has appointed a federal judge to continue the prosecution in the absence of the Justice Department.... (more)

May 19, 2020
Neil Ferguson's study convinced U.S., U.K. to enact unprecedented lockdowns
WORLDNETDAILY ? The coronavirus death-forecast model that apparently convinced President Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to shift to a policy featuring unprecedented lockdowns of the healthy "could go down in history as the most devastating software mistake of all time, in terms of economic costs and lives lost."... (more)

May 19, 2020
GINA MILLER ? Last Tuesday on Rush Limbaugh's radio show, Rush asked, "What was the goal here, to flatten the curve or flatten the U.S. economy?" It's a rhetorical question that reminds me of what some of us have suspected from the start of this "pandemic." That the insane, despotic response in shutting down our nation was never about public "safety" from a Chinese flu-like virus, but rather, it was about gaining control of the people, breaking the United States and thwarting President Trump's reelection chances in November.... (more)

May 19, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? President Trump once said about Senator Lindsey Graham that he "would like to stay in the Middle East for the next thousand years with thousands of soldiers and fighting other people's wars." This statement is critical to understanding why Senator Graham has announced that he won't bring Barack Hussein Obama before the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain his role in Russia-gate. Graham knows that Obama targeted Trump National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn because Flynn was opposed to the Obama policy of using the CIA to destabilize the Middle East and bring the Muslim Brotherhood and other Jihadist forces to power.... (more)

May 18, 2020
CHERIE ZASLAWSKY ? Shortly after World War II ended, Americans were in shock as the horrors of the Holocaust were revealed. But they also took comfort from the fact that nothing like that could ever happen here. Or could it? The plethora of new and ever-changing dictatorial edicts in many states today strikes me as eerily reminiscent of the Nazi's series of escalating mandates that targeted the Jewish population. However, in our own case, we're all the targets.... (more)

May 18, 2020
?If ever there was a threat to the rule of law, it was the Obama administration?s abuse of power in an attempt to take down Trump?
THE FEDERALIST ? When former president Barack Obama told supporters last week that the Justice Department's decision to drop the case against former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn is a "threat to the rule of law," he was relying wholly on the fiction, willingly propagated for years by a pliant media, that the Russia-Trump collusion probe launched by his administration was lawful and legitimate.... (more)

May 18, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Authorities are not seeing spikes in coronavirus cases in places that are reopening but are seeing increases in some areas that remain closed, U.S. health secretary Alex Azar said on Sunday. "We are seeing that in places that are opening, we're not seeing this spike in cases," Azar said on CNN's "State of the Union" program. "We still see spikes in some areas that are in fact close to very localized situations."... (more)

May 17, 2020
Death toll from COVID-19 is actually 23% less than inflated count mandated by CDC
JOHN FUND & PHIL KERPEN ? Deborah Birx, the physician advising the White House's coronavirus task force, gave voice to a real concern earlier this month. She told officials from the Centers for Disease Control that some of its numbers on mortality and case count could be inflated by up to 25 percent. "There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust," the Washington Post reported Birx saying.... (more)

May 17, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Longtime liberal Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz contends the judge in the Michael Flynn case has become a "prosecutor in robes," exceeding his authority by appointing a retired federal judge to argue against the Justice Department's decision to drop the case.... (more)

May 17, 2020
YOUTUBE ? The senator and Michael break down the death of civil liberties in the midst of Obamagate, Mike Flynn, sexual assault on campus, and the endless lockdowns.... (more)

May 16, 2020
No massive outbreaks in Florida after DeSantis criticized for opening beaches
WORLDNETDAILY ? Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has been accused of reopening his state's economy too quickly, accused fellow governors of acting as "dictators" in their implementation of "draconian" lockdowns.... (more)

May 16, 2020
Former Navy combat pilot
FOX NEWS ? Mike Garcia reacted on "Fox & Friends" on Thursday to becoming the first Republican to flip a Democratic House seat in California in more than two decades, saying, "There's an awakening here in California." Democrat Christy Smith conceded the special election race for California's 25th Congressional District to Garcia on Wednesday, marking the first time Republicans will retake a Democratic-held congressional seat in the state since 1998.... (more)

May 15, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Republican Tom Tiffany, a Wisconsin state senator endorsed by President Trump, easily won a special congressional election Tuesday in the state's heavily conservative, rural 7th Congressional District. Meanwhile, with less than half the vote in, Trump has already doubled his 2016 total in the Nebraska presidential primary, also underway Tuesday. That led GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to tout what she called surging "enthusiasm" for the president's reelection.... (more)

May 15, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? One fallout of the Covid-19 crisis is its severe thrashing of our economy. Not only have all the impressive economic gains of the Trump administration evaporated, but we are now adding to our national debt in scary ways. I hope that all the bailouts are temporary means to solve a temporary problem.... (more)

May 15, 2020
LLOYD MARCUS ? Despite 30 million Americans losing their jobs, domestic violence and suicides on the rise, Democrats and fake news media are terrifying Americans into believing the lock-down must continue. These evil wicked people are fully committed to using coronavirus to stop Trump's reelection.... (more)

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