Hi there,
Big Ag doesn’t want you to know about her.
In fact, their entire business model depends on it.
They don’t want you to see the mother pig who has been lying on a damp floor for months—trapped in a cage the size of her own body. She can’t turn around, stand up, or even stretch her legs.
They don’t want you to see the egg-laying hen fighting past her cage-mates to reach her food and water. Crowded in on all sides, she doesn’t know what it feels like to fully open her wings.
They don’t want you to know about the baby calf, pulled away from the comfort of his mother and destined for slaughter at just a few months old.
Together, we’re facing the horrifying reality of what animals endure. Because that’s how we change it.
All around the world, people are waking up to the horrors of industrial animal agriculture. This year alone, hundreds of thousands of supporters joined this community taking action for animals. You pressured household names like Burger King, Marriott, Campbell Soup, and more to end the worst forms of abuse. Our progress this year could ultimately spare over 67 million hens from cages.
This movement has never been so powerful. This is our moment to reverse humanity’s course—and transform a system that should never have existed in the first place.
Thank you. Thank you for your kindness and courage. Thank you for facing cruelty head-on. And thank you for knowing that every animal deserves the chance at a happy life.
Let’s hit the ground running in 2025.
For the animals,

Kalista Barter
Senior Vice President, Development |
The Humane League has received The America’s Best Charities Seal of Excellence, a Top-Rated Seal from CharityWatch, and a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator. We are honored to have been chosen as one of the most effective animal groups worldwide by Animal Charity Evaluators, and we are the only organization to receive this distinction for every rating period. We strive to maximize every dollar donated to make the biggest possible impact for animals.