Dear John,
With only hours left before we enter the new year, we still need to raise $50,000 to hit our fundraising goal—funds that are critical to ensuring we have the staff and resources to fight back against what’s coming.
DOnate Here
Trump is back. And with him comes the shadow of the Muslim ban, the demonization of our communities, and the threat to our families, our futures, and our freedoms.
We know what this looks like. We’ve lived it. Families torn apart at airports. Grandparents denied the right to visit their grandchildren. Entire communities vilified and made into political scapegoats.
Let’s be clear: this isn’t just politics as usual. This is about our fundamental right to exist without fear, without being targeted. Trump and J.D. Vance have already pledged to bring back the Muslim ban and expand cruel immigration policies. The return of this administration is a wake-up call for every single one of us. His hateful policies weren’t an anomaly—they were a test run.
Now is the time: We’re prepared, united, and ready to act.
At NIAC, we’re not just planning to “push back.” We will fight for our community, for our loved ones, for a future where no one has to live in fear of being banned, surveilled, or treated like a second-class citizen.
But we can’t do this without you. This fight takes all of us. It takes resources. And it takes the power of people who care enough to take action.
Make a Donation
They’re betting on us staying quiet. Let’s prove them wrong. Let’s remind them that we are here, we are powerful, and we are ready to take on whatever they throw at us.
Join us. Together, we’ll make sure that hate never wins.
In power and solidarity,
Jamal Abdi
President, NIAC
