Your year-end gift fuels the fight for cannabis freedom


As we wind down another productive year, I want to take time to thank you for your past support and remind you that your year-end contribution to NORML is more important than ever.

NORML is unique among drug policy reform organizations. We are grassroots; we survive on the contributions of our members – not on big corporate donors. We are also the only national organization that speaks on behalf of the interests of responsible cannabis consumers – not on behalf of corporate interests.

That is why we continue to push for policy changes that matter most to you: ending marijuana arrests, expunging criminal convictions, expanding marijuana access to patients, restoring 2nd Amendment rights for cannabis consumers, ending discriminatory workplace drug testing mandates, repealing unscientific THC per se driving laws, pushing back against the imposition of arbitrary THC potency limits on state-legal cannabis products, and consistently standing up for the rights of parents, patients, and others who use marijuana responsibly.

With your help, we are changing the way people talk and think about cannabis.

But we can’t legalize cannabis without your help. We can’t educate and empower voters, the media, and lawmakers or continue to champion the rights and freedoms of cannabis consumers throughout the country without the support of people like you.

Please make a tax-deductible, year-end gift of $50 or more to The NORML Foundation. Your donation will have double the impact because the first $5,000 donated to The NORML Foundation will be matched. Your support ensures we can continue successfully fighting for cannabis freedom in 2025 and beyond.


Paul Armentano

NORML Deputy Director

NORML and The NORML Foundation
1420 K Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC xxxxxx

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