Dear John,
This Memorial Day 2020, is a very special day. Today, we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their life, fighting for our freedom, our most valued and precious right, the cornerstone of what is America.
This Freedom which they died to defend and protect is on the line this very day as you read this email. Our country is at a crossroad of irreversible consequences.
Our Freedom is envied by the whole world solidified by the Bill of Rights written by our wise Founders who set the stage for what would become the greatest nation on earth.
Our Founding Fathers gave everything and most of them died broke to establish this incredible nation we call home. They believed in Freedom so much they were willing to die to ensure that their children’s children, for generations to come, will live free from Tyranny, from dictatorships, and from control.
Today we remember our brave ones, our fallen heroes. May your legacy be honored for generations to come. May the tears shed over your coffins fertilize the fields of patriotism in our nation to raise a new generation built on strength and honor, able and willing to follow in your footsteps when duty calls to defend America. May your blood not have been shed in vain. May we prove worthy of your sacrifice. May we always honor your parents so they will always know that they are the parents of an American hero.
Because of your sacrifice millions have been freed around the world. Because of your sacrifice those who criticize our country, burn our precious flag, and speak ill of America are able to do so because their freedom is built upon your blood. Today we remember you with respect and humility.
Today we hold your families in our hearts and prayers. Today we commit ourselves to standing for the greatness of America and everything it represents. Today we renew our vow to preserve freedom and American values and everything you gave up your life to preserve, to keep America strong, to keep her safe from tyranny and any threat foreign or domestic.
May this Memorial Day Weekend be a meaningful and defining day for our country.
Always Devoted,