Dear John,

With this historic year drawing to a close, I want to thank you for your continued support of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). It’s people like you who make CMD’s work to expose corporate and right-wing influence and disinformation possible. Thank you!

As we look ahead to 2025 — with president-elect Donald Trump declaring his opponents the “enemy within” and calling for critics, including those in the media, to be put in prison — there has never been a more critical time to support independent sources of news and analysis. 

You may have cast your ballot in November, but now it’s time to vote with your wallet.

Despite the fear and uncertainty we are all feeling at the precipice of the next Trump administration, our sights are set and our determination is unwavering: we will be working every single day to shine a light on the forces undoing our democracy so that you have the information you need to fight back.

Our team is already preparing to file hundreds of freedom of information requests, work with whistleblowers, and engage our network of pro bono lawyers to expose the dark money forces working at both the federal and state levels to subvert our democracy, block climate progress, increase corporate power, and roll back our cherished rights and freedoms.

Our democracy is hanging in the balance, and CMD is expert at exposing those seeking to capture or undermine core institutions to advance a repressive and regressive agenda.

That’s why we need your help now more than ever!

Your tax-deductible donation to CMD will help us ensure that we hit the ground running in 2025. And, as an added incentive: 

Thanks to a generous $50,000 match, any gift you make before midnight will have twice the impact!

Donate Here!

Thank you so much for your supporting CMD, and for all that you do throughout the year to make our world a better place. We really couldn’t do this without you, and we are truly grateful to count you among our friends!

Best wishes for the New Year, and onwards to a resilient 2025,

Arn Pearson
Executive Director
Center for Media and Democracy


We could not have accomplished everything we did in 2024 without the loyal support of people like you.

Thank you!

Now, with just hours left to go, we are 80% of the way to our year-end goal of $150,000 for 2025.

Please help us reach our goal!

Donate Now!

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Contact Us

Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010
Madison, Wisconsin 53725-9010
[email protected]


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