From Texas Right to Life <[email protected]>
Subject Satanic Abortion Statue
Date December 31, 2024 1:00 PM
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Urgent Year-End Deadline:
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Do you remember this year when the University of Houston installed a Satanic abortion statue in the middle of campus?
The disgusting idol should remind Christians that the Pro-Life war is not finished.

One UH student shared her testimony:

“Four months ago I became pregnant with my first child…

One Wednesday morning, I skipped class and flew out to Colorado, pregnant and scared. Less than 24 hours later, I was back in Houston, still scared but without the most precious thing God had ever given me: my baby…

Since my abortion, I have had a deep hole in my heart and soul…

Now as I walk to class, I pass by a symbol that reminds me of my deepest regret and sadness…”

This sculpture highlights the anti-Life ideology targeting every college campus.

We need you to give hope to young women and help change our culture to believe again in the God-given Right to Life.
GIVE NOW ([link removed])
Satanists hate God. Their hatred of the Creator leads to a hatred of His creation, especially preborn children who reflect His goodness, beauty, and peace.

Holy Scripture sets the great mission before us:

“I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live.” (Deut. 30:19)

That’s why your support is so critical right now as we wrap up 2024, John.

Will you chip in to rescue preborn babies from abortion today? ([link removed])

As Christians, we are called to be a light in the darkness. We are called to fight for God’s precious children.

Your contribution will help save preborn babies, provide hope to pregnant mothers, and help hospital patients whose lives are often tossed aside.

Will you rush a life-saving gift today to spread the light of LIFE in 2025? ([link removed])
GIVE NOW ([link removed])
- Texas Right to Life
P.S. John, if you'd like to give by phone or by mail, please call (713) 782-5433 or send your contribution to our address and write END-OF-YEAR in the memo of your check:

Texas Right to Life
4500 Bissonnet St. Suite 305
Bellaire, TX 77401

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