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** Your daily media briefing - Friday 22 May
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news <[link removed]> and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts <[link removed]> on our website.
** Secularism in the media
* Judge rules on Bradford mosque's Friday prayers injunction bid <[link removed]>
A Bradford mosque leader has been given the go ahead for a High Court challenge over lockdown restrictions on Friday prayers due to the coronavirus crisis.
Telegraph & Argus
* Police break up large gatherings of Charedim in Bournemouth <[link removed]>
Officers visit kosher hotel twice over Shabbat to disperse crowd and 'reiterate government advice' on social distancing.
The JC
* Synod member attacks Church of England's 'self-obsession' in pandemic <[link removed]>
"I would love to see the choking tendrils of power, politics, entitlement, the class system to be unwrapped from around the heart of the Church of England," says Rev Rosie Harper.
The Guardian
* Trustees calling for Oxford Dean's removal say he has 'lack of moral compass' <[link removed]>
A letter signed by dozens of college dons claims the clergyman is 'not fit to remain a trustee'.
The Telegraph
* Equality Commission warns that Protestant boys in NI more likely to be unfairly disadvantaged by missing school <[link removed]>
The Equality Commission has sounded a warning that Protestant boys are more likely to be unfairly disadvantaged by missing school during the coronavirus crisis.
News Letter
* Call to prayer to mark end of Ramadan to be heard in Preston <[link removed]>
Preston City Council has agreed a request from the Muslim community to allow Preston based mosques to broadcast the sunset prayer, marking the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Asian Image
* Calls for the Government to cater to diversity of UK church in reopening guidance <[link removed]>
A Christian public policy charity has called for the UK Government to be inclusive when it creates guidance for how places of worship can re-open after the coronavirus lockdown.
Premier Christian News
* Minnesota's Catholic bishops say they'll defy limits on church attendance <[link removed]>
Minnesota's Roman Catholic bishops said Wednesday that they will allow Masses to resume next week despite Gov. Tim Walz's continued prohibition on most religious gatherings.
MPR News
* Rwanda to release 50 women jailed for having abortions <[link removed]>
Activists welcome pardons, but call for relaxation of abortion laws and an end to punitive measures such as life sentences.
The Guardian
* Despite closed borders, Argentina to fly in rabbis to certify kosher meat
Argentina, which has enforced one of the world's toughest travel bans against the coronavirus, plans to help charter a private flight to bring in rabbis from Israel to certify meat at the country's packing plants for kosher markets around the world.
* 'Religious fundamentalists are making the pandemic worse' <[link removed]>
In the US and abroad, leaders are putting faith before good science.
The Nation
** The latest news from the NSS
* Schools won’t compromise on relationships education, rabbis tell PM <[link removed]>
Seventeen rabbis have said Charedi Jewish schools won't compromise with government requirements to teach about same-sex couples.
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