Hello Friend,
Welcome to my e-newsletter, the Ready Room. As a retired Naval Aviator, the Ready Room is special to me because it’s where fellow aviators meet to brief and debrief missions. This is my weekly briefing to you on my mission in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for regular updates on how my team and I are working to serve you in Congress.
On December 20th, I voted for the American Relief Act, a short term spending bill to keep the government open and provide critical disaster relief for Florida families and farmers. This package also includes broader economic assistance for agricultural producers, including specialty crop growers, which helps safeguard our food supply and national security. This bill did not include the partisan priorities in the previous package and clears the way for President Trump and the next Congress to immediately begin working to put America on a better path and deliver results.
Last year, Speaker Johnson appointed me to serve on the AI Task Force, which was charged with preparing a report on Congress’ role in the proliferation of AI. The Task Force gathered information on salient AI issues from domain experts in industry, government, civil society, and academia. The task force released its report detailing 66 key findings and number of action items, including 85 policy recommendations designed to balance vibrant American AI innovation with responsible protections. AI will revolutionize our economy and drastically improve our quality of life. However, Congress must enact proper guardrails to help protect American citizens and our global interests Click here to read the full report.
For decades federal agencies have greatly exceeded their authority, harming American families and businesses with overregulation and red tape. In the 90s, Congress passed the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to increase oversight over the executive branch and better review agency action. The CRA allows Congress to follow a special legislative process to block new agency regulations and prevent them from taking similar action in future.
Under the CRA, Congress must pass individual joint resolutions of disapproval to address each new rule. This hampers progress near the end of a president’s term, when the Administration historically issues more regulations. Last week, I voted for H.R. 115 to amend the CRA to allow Congress to disapprove of multiple rules through just one joint resolution if those rules were issued during the last year of a President’s term in office. I will always support initiatives that allow Congress’ to more efficiently cut red tape and reclaim authority from the executive branch. Click here to learn more.
Test Your Knowledge #CivicsWithScott!
Which of the following laws best demonstrates the legislative branch checking the executive branch within our system of government?
A. War Powers Resolution
B. Homestead Act
C. Social Security Act
D. Voting Rights Act
Last Week's Question
If the federal government prosecutes a company for using unfair methods of keeping competitors out of the market, which of the following laws would it be enforcing?
B. Taft-Hartley Act
C. Sherman Antitrust Act - Correct answer
D. Civil Rights Act of 1964
It's an honor and privilege to represent you in Congress. Please take a moment to fill out my latest constituent survey here. Your feedback helps me better represent you. For more information on constituent services, current legislation, and to sign up for my e-newsletter, please visit my website at franklin.house.gov.
Best regards,
C. Scott Franklin Member of Congress