Hey John,

The election results are in, and we have some good news to share with you—OLCV-endorsed candidates won in every legislative race where we made an endorsement! And what’s even more impressive is just how many of you showed up to vote, volunteer, and support these candidates during the pandemic. This election made history for the most ballots ever submitted in an Oregon primary election! Thanks to you (and vote-by-mail), we got out the environmental vote and scored big wins in some close races.
One close race? Secretary of state! OLCV-endorsed candidate Sen. Shemia Fagan is in the lead and looks very likely to be headed to the general election this fall. This race was our top priority for the primary, and we’re so proud of Shemia and all the volunteers who helped make this happen. Shemia is a fighter with an inspiring story of overcoming the odds. She listens to Oregonians, stands up to big polluters, and will fight for our democracy. Thank you to everyone who voted for Shemia! 
As we look ahead to the general election, Shemia’s race is a reminder that just a few votes can make a huge difference in a close race. Likewise, some of our amazing OLCV-endorsed candidates lost local races by very close margins. As we move into the general election, we need your help to make sure that environmental champs win on both the state and local level—candidates like Nafisa Fai for Washington County Commissioner, District 1; City Councilor Lacey Beaty for Beaverton Mayor; Joel Iboa for Lane County Commissioner, District 3; and Phil Chang for Deschutes County Commissioner, Position 2. Your votes helped these candidates win their primary races, and your support will help them win the general election this fall.
During this physically-distanced election, you also helped us shift to digital organizing. Instead of canvassing, we focused on phone banking, text banking, and social media. Together, we helped so many inspiring candidates win their races—climate leader WLnsvey Campos in House District 28; Green New Deal activist Khanh Pham in House District 46; longtime environmental champ Rep. Rob Nosse in House District 42; environmentalist-firefighter Dacia Grayber in House District 35. And so many more! Check out the full election results here!
This election may have been different from any we’ve had before, but it’s the start of better things. Over 1.3 million Oregonians voted in this election. Environmental champs are headed to the general election this fall, ready to stir things up and make bold changes, and we’re ready to help them win. Will you join us? Sign up here to volunteer digitally heading into the general election, or click here to make a gift to support our work at OLCV. 
Thank you for being an environmental voter,
Lindsey Scholten
Political Director, OLCV

Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States
Staying in touch via the Oregon League of Conservation Voters’ email list is the best way we have of keeping in regular contact with supporters like you and letting you know about the ways you can take action to protect the environment. You can unsubscribe from our supporter list, but if you leave, it will be harder for you to stay involved with OLCV and continue the work that you’ve been such a critical part of. OLCV wins environmental policy fights and elections because of dedicated activists like you, and we’d hate to see you go.