From Mandela Barnes <[email protected]>
Subject Before tomorrow…
Date December 30, 2024 10:36 PM
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[1]The Long Run PAC

Friend, a quick thought before tomorrow.

The election results last month were a devastating blow for our democracy. Donald Trump’s return to the White House leaves us with many important battles ahead.

But in key battleground races around the country, including Tammy Baldwin’s race here in Wisconsin, The Long Run was able to make a difference and help get changemaking candidates over the finish line.

In fact, we were involved in delivering five Senate seats and six House seats that will help Democrats keep Congress in play for the future.

That work was possible because this team helped us raise hundreds of thousands of dollars this election cycle to support these campaigns, putting much needed resources at critical moments into some of the closest Democratic campaigns in the country.

And the amazing thing is that we did it through the power of grassroots fundraising. We didn’t rely on huge checks from corporate lobbyists and billionaire mega-donors. Just $5, $10, or $20 at a time from regular folks who wanted to make a difference.

So like I said, I’m clear-eyed about the threats that lay ahead in a second Trump presidency. But that’s exactly why we’re recommitting to our mission of supporting the next generation of progressive leaders who will lead the opposition to Trump’s agenda.

So, if you have a few bucks to spare today, we would appreciate a donation of any size to help us get started on that mission. We’re sticking to true grassroots fundraising, which means we need people like you, to step up when they can.

Donate: [link removed]

Thank you,

Mandela Barnes
Founder, The Long Run PAC

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