In this week’s edition, as we begin the New Year, I discuss the implications of standing still, and, conversely, how moving forward offers opportunity to develop. Then, I share a lecture from my “We Who Wrestle With God” tour. From the archives, I look back on a New Years letter I wrote several years ago.
Start Something New And Move Forward
If you never start anything new, you will not develop. The willingness to be a fool is the precursor to transformation — which is to say humility — but you must begin somewhere. After all, when people look back on their lives, they are much more unhappy about what they did not do than the mistakes they made.
When something beckons to you and fills you with interest, it becomes a beacon of light. It may be only dimly apprehended, but by taking steps toward it, you will become enlightened and informed because of the nature of your experience. You are pushing yourself beyond where you have been, so you learn. But the light is not permanently fixated; it will move. So you must shift yourself slightly as you move forward. You move toward the pillar of light you are following, then it moves — just like God in the Egyptian desert in Exodus. You move toward the light, and it moves away. It will guide you forward.
Most importantly, you will not stay in stasis, nor will you wander around in circles. Even though you may have traveled 20 miles and only moved forward 3 miles, you have at least moved forward instead of backward. The Gospel of Matthew says, “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” It is a warning: Do not stay in one place. The world moves away from you if you stand still. There is no stasis; there is only backwards. If you are not moving forward, then you are moving backward.
As you encounter and tangle with the world, you become more informed. As you continue, you change. You will become smarter as you move forward. Rest assured, you will stumble and make mistakes; there will be no shortage of backtracking. But when you are trying, you will engage in redemptive mistakes. If you pay attention, you will be informed by the results of your errors.
The focus in the sixth episode of Jordan B. Peterson’s series, “The Gospels,” fixes on those who Jesus says he has come for: not the righteous, but the outcasts. While walking dusty roads with sinners and skeptics, Jesus shows how compassion can reach into the darkness while holding fast to the light. His interactions on his ministerial journey prompts the group to ask how we can emulate the modeling Jesus displays. What does embracing both mercy and truth in our own fractured age look like? Can we extend love without compromising truth? Join them as they explore how the path of transformation incorporates honesty and commitment. Watch “The Ministry Continues,” available only on DailyWire+.
Ten Classic Books I Recommend For Any Stage Of Life
A book enables you to think and rethink. You can practice conceptualization more deeply in a book than you can in any other medium. Reading will lead you to integrate your own personality at the highest and most abstract level of organization because you will be learning to think.
We Who Wrestle With God: In the Image of God
This week, I am sharing the lecture I gave at the North Charleston Coliseum on my “We Who Wrestle With God” tour. In it, I discuss the markers of identity, not as originating from an assumption or a decision, but from a source far beyond our knowledge and understanding. Divine anchors properly define identity, which I analyze alongside the book of Genesis and the story of Peter Pan.
A New Years Letter To The World
At the end of 2016, I wrote a letter to the world in light of the approaching New Year. It was a call to action, a call to wake up, to take the world on our shoulders and adopt individual responsibility for suffering — and to find meaning. It still stands as a call to make yourself a better person in the incoming year, to fix what you can — to start small and then expand your reach. If we do this, there will be less pointless and unnecessary suffering. Undoubtedly, the world will be a better place.
Thank you for reading,
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson