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ADl regional update
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Two Years Ago, They Marched in Charlottesville. Where Are They Now?
In August 2017, hundreds of far-right extremists descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, ostensibly to protest the removal of a Confederate statue from a local park. Dubbed “Unite the Right,” the gathering was the largest and most violent public assembly of white supremacists in decades. It also demonstrated a resurgent and emboldened white supremacist movement. Two years after hundreds of white supremacists gathered in Charlottesville, ADL examines how that weekend’s terrible events continue to shape and influence participants – and to reverberate across a nation still coming to terms with that shocking display of violence and hate.
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ADL Trains Local Educators To Confront Bias, Bigotry and BullyingLast week, ADL Washington, D.C. hosted a Train-the-Trainer for ADL’s A World of Difference Institute(R). During this week-long program, the D.C. Regional Education team trained a dozen participants, including ADL staff and contracted facilitators, to deliver ADL’s signature anti-bias education programs for students, educators and communities. Each day, the participants, who came from the Washington, D.C. Region, as well as ADL’s Atlanta and Boston regional offices, were immersed in the activities that comprise ADL’s anti-bias programs so that they could return to their communities and impart the same
training in schools throughout their regions.
As the D.C. Regional Office continues to expand its No Place for Hate(R) initiative throughout the region, with the goal of doubling participation to reach 100 schools in the 2019-2020 school year, this Train-the-Trainer helped to build the region’s capacity to impact schools beyond the immediate Washington, DC area, including southern Virginia and North Carolina. In the coming months, these new facilitators will be implementing anti-bias education programs throughout the region, empowering students and educators to recognize and challenge bias, prejudice and discrimination in their schools and communities.
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El Paso Mass Shooting the Deadliest White Supremacist Attack in More Than 50 Years
According to data and research compiled by ADL’s Center on Extremism, the shooting that took place in El Paso, Texas on August 3, which resulted in 22 deaths, is the deadliest white supremacist attack in the United States in more than 50 years.
“The horrific events that took place in El Paso this weekend exposed something that has been building for years: white supremacy is a national security threat that demands a comprehensive and intense response that rivals the approach applied to countering other radical forms of violent extremism,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.
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ADL, UnidosUS and LULAC Announce Collaboration to Prevent Bias-Motivated Violence and Improve Hate Crime Reporting
In response to the recent white supremacist attack in El Paso, Texas, ADL, UnidosUS and LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) announced a new partnership last week, which will share best practices and techniques for documenting and responding to hate violence – including efforts to improve comprehensive hate crime reporting.
ADL will work in collaboration with UnidosUS and LULAC to determine how to best identify, report and respond to hate crimes and targeted anti-Latinx and anti-Semitic incidents. Through this effort, ADL, LULAC and UnidosUS will leverage their networks and develop training workshops and webinars to improve hate crime reporting and response. And to address situations where victims do not feel safe reporting these crimes to local law enforcement, the groups will share best practices for responding to hate and referring victims to social services and legal assistance as needed.
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Federal Court in Virginia Rules that Discriminatory School Restroom Policy Violated Constitutional Rights of Transgender Student
On August 9, 2019, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia ruled that a Gloucester County School Board policy, which permitted all students except for transgender students to use restrooms corresponding with their gender identity, was discriminatory and violated the constitutional rights of Gavin Grimm, a former Gloucester High School student and honoree at ADL’s 2017 Concert Against Hate. This is a tremendous legal victory not only for Mr. Grimm, but for all students who seek safe and inclusive learning environments. This ruling also vindicates what we at ADL have maintained all along – that discrimination against transgender students is unconstitutional
and must never be tolerated in our schools. In 2017, ADL filed an
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amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court and joined an
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amicus brief in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of Gavin Grimm.
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ADL Investigative Researcher Profiled in Cosmopolitan Magazine
It isn’t every day that extremism is front-and-center in Cosmopolitan magazine. This
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powerful longform article pulls back the curtain to profile one of ADL's investigators who analyzes and works with law enforcement on tracking those who practice a special brand of misogyny and extremism. ADL highlighted this trend in our 2018 report
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‘When Women are the Enemy: The Intersection of Misogyny and White Supremacy.’
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Las Vegas Law Enforcement Stop White Supremacist Before Planned Attack on ADL Nevada and Others
On Thursday, August 8, Las Vegas FBI arrested a 23-year-old male. During the arrest agents found guns, ammunition and bombmaking materials in his home. As stated in the criminal complaint filed, a target list was found that included a gay nightclub, a synagogue and the ADL Nevada office, all in Las Vegas.
The Nevada regional office of the Anti-Defamation League and Nevada's Jewish Federation released a joint statement and have been in close contact with law enforcement to coordinate additional security measures in response.
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25th Anniversary ADL In Concert Against Hate Tickets on Sale
For 25 years, ADL In Concert Against Hate has honored every day heroes in the battle against intolerance, injustice and extremism. These extraordinary people have performed acts of courage and compassion when confronted by the forces of hate. Their stories, narrated by renowned actors and performers, are interwoven with musical selections to create a powerful and unforgettable evening of inspiration and hope - one that affirms and celebrates the values that we all share.
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Glass Leadership Institute Applications Are Open
The Glass Leadership Institute (GLI) is the cornerstone leadership development program at ADL. GLI empowers young professionals to fight hatred and bigotry in their communities.
The Washington, D.C. cohort brings together activists and supporters interested in learning about effective advocacy and leadership in pursuit of ADL’s mission. Participants are provided with opportunities for team-building and socializing with their classmates and for engaging with ADL’s local and national leadership. The Institute culminates with the National Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. where GLI participants from across the country come together to engage with each other, as well as high-ranking officials, opinion leaders, and renowned experts.
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Register for Never Is Now!Never Is Now is ADL’s Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate, taking place on November 21 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City. ADL’s signature annual event, is a one day conference focused on understanding contemporary drivers and dynamics of anti-Semitism.
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