As we reflect on 2024, a year marked by global crises and increased repression of our movements, we are grateful for the resilience and commitment of our community, including your invaluable support. As prison industrial complex (PIC) abolitionists, Critical Resistance (CR) understands that collectivity and growing and fortifying broad coalitions are essential no matter the threat, but especially surviving and resisting authoritarianism, and this year, CR was steadfast in our work to build a global movement for PIC abolition. Whether it was advancing our anti-imprisonment campaigns; contributing to anti-policing work; creating practical organizing tools for abolitionists; or collaborating with movement partners at conferences, workshops, panels, and more (as pictured below), CR continued our work to fight state repression.
CR members in action contributing to an image highlighting political prisoners for the Oakland Sumud mural (top left); joining the mural launch (top right); offering our Intro to PIC Abolition workshop to a budding abolitionist campaign (bottom left); and hosting a How To Abolish Prisons book launch event with CR co-founder, Rachel Herzing, and California Coalition for Women Prisoners (bottom right)
Your unwavering support has been crucial in enabling these accomplishments, fostering environments of resistance and resilience, and strengthening our collective capacity for sustained action against the PIC. In this period when fascism and authoritarianism are on the rise, your support will provide resources for CR to work even more deeply alongside our movement partners and fight the isolation that repression can engender, continue wielding abolition in our actions and analysis as a necessary tool to fighting fascism, and also invest in tools and practices to keep our members and partners as secure as possible.
We ask that you continue showing up for PIC abolitionist organizing to keep this work going in the year to come - volunteer with us, come out to an upcoming event or workshop, share our organizing tools, and donate to keep our PIC abolitionist for years to come!
This Holiday Season: Sustain CR &
help CR raise $90,000 by the end of 2024!
For over 25 years, your contributions of time, effort, and funds have empowered CR to run campaigns against policing, imprisonment, and surveillance; create tools to strengthen abolitionist organizing and analysis; build and strengthen connections with movement partners across our interconnected fights; and more. Keep CR strong over the next decades of abolitionist work!
We are 75% of the way to our year-end fundraising goals, and we ask that you take us over the finish line and make a donation before we close out 2024. We appreciate donations of your time, effort, and funds to sustain our organizing, this year and the next!
This December, we ask that you contribute to The Zachary Project, a mutual aid fund designed to help community organizers in need. CR has redistributed almost $9,000 to over a dozen organizers across our movement and Bay Area chapter's network in 2024, and we ask that you help us replenish the fund! Support The Zachary Project and Critical Resistance this holiday season and give a holiday gift that makes a great impact.
You can donate directly at and click “Apply My Donation To - Zachary Project”. CR will continue working to meet this moment by deepening our movement-building work, and we invite you to join us and sustain the ability of organizers to show up for their communities.
Available Now: Episode 3 of CR's "Over the Wall" Podcast with Beyond Prisons on The Abolitionist Newspaper!
Contributors and editors of 2024's issues of The Abolitionist Newspaper discuss Issues 41 and 42 on ecological justice and anti-war organizing. The episode is now up on CR's website and will soon be on Beyond Prisons's streaming platforms.
Stay tuned here to listen to special content, including The Abolitionist contributors Rehana Lerandeau and Eva Dickerson breaking down how the fight against policing is a struggle for ecological justice against war and warmaking.
From the people's victory to expel the US Navy from Vieques in Puerto Rico, to targeted youth resisting military recruitment in Hawai'i, resisting "deadly-exchange" policing programs from California to Georgia and occupied Palestine, lessons from the war on drugs from both sides of the US-Mexico border, and more -Issue 42 of CR's cross-wall newspaper The Abolitionist is not one to miss. Subscribe now to receive your own copy & support free subscriptions for imprisoned people!
Contributing authors include movement partner organizations War Resisters League, Dissenters, Demilitrize ATL 2 Palestine, Media Against Apartheid & Displacement, the International Cancel RIMPAC campaign and Anakbayan Hawai'i, Hawai'i Peace & Justice, Alianza de Mujeres Viequenses, and others.