PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE TRANSMITTED FROM HOUSE GOP LEADERSHIP | In just over 24 hours, we’re going to have to close the books on 2024 once and for all… | …And as it currently stands, House Republicans are still $23,495 short of our goal! | We cannot overstate just how important this final FEC-mandated benchmark is for us. | After their historic defeat, the Democrats are counting on America First conservatives becoming complacent and falling behind heading into the new year. | They’re watching our numbers closely and desperately hoping that we come up short because BUYING the House majority is their only hope of regaining any power in Washington in the near future. | With several special elections in Florida already on the calendar – and liberal megadonors like George Soros plotting to spend tens of millions of dollars – we simply cannot let that happen, John. | At the end of the day, it’s a simple calculus… | As long as we have the funds cut through the Left’s lies, vicious witch hunts, and disgusting smear campaigns, Far Left radicals will NEVER regain power! | And what the Democrats still fail to understand is that the MAGA movement will NEVER be judged by the amount our supporters give but rather by the sheer number of patriots standing among us. | That is why, at the FINAL FEC-mandated deadline of 2024, we’ve authorized a MATCH to ensure EVERY grassroots donation over the NEXT HOUR goes TWICE AS FAR. | Paid for by House GOP Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Elise for Congress, E-PAC, and NY Republican Campaign Committee. | This email was sent to: [email protected]. We believe that email is a vital way to stay in direct contact with supporters, but you can click here if you would like to unsubscribe from these messages. | |