Mises Institute
Monday, December 30, 2024
Imperialism and the Logic of War Making
Joseph T. Salerno
As a human endeavor like any other, war making is the product of reason, purpose, and choice. A proper analysis of war must take into account the goals of the war makers.
How the Third Reich Remade German Christmas in the Nazi Image
Ryan McMaken
The National Socialists wanted to absorb all independent Christianity under the new pagan nationalistic doctrines of the German state. Christmas was at the center of this.
Matt McCaffrey on Frank Fetter vs. Alfred Marshall on the Theory of Rent
Matt and Bob discuss the dispute.
Christmas, Capitalism, and Consumerism
Ryan explains how markets and entrepreneurs work to make Christmas more joyous and comfortable.
What Makes Austrian Economics Unique?
The focus is on individual human action makes Austrian economics unique, as well as logically valid and compelling. It is a system of economic analysis based upon praxeology and causal-realism.
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Under Trump, Expect No Change to the Monetary Status Quo
The Trump team plans to tinker with government spending, but this does nothing to address the real problem which is the current inflationist monetary experiment.
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Jimmy Carter’s Legacy Is Much More than Good Deeds Done in His Later Years
Most editorialists and pundits have labeled Jimmy Carter’s presidency a failure, but his activities after he left office as a rousing success.
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The French Revolution
What happens when the Department of Government Efficiency fails? Human devolution or political revolution?
How Inflation Destroys Civilization
Fiat inflation leaves a characteristic cultural and spiritual stain on human society. Guido Hülsmann takes a closer look at some aspects of this legacy.
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