Today we’re launching VoteSafe.US to protect the 2020 election and all of America’s voters.
VoteSafe is a cross-partisan coalition endorsing the simple principle that every American has the right to vote safely, not just amidst the pandemic, but always. VoteSafe will put an end to the bogus claims that you can’t vote safely and securely by mail and that it advantages one political party over the other.
Watch the VoteSafe.US launch with former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge (R) on Fox News, and follow VoteSafe.Us on Twitter.

VoteSafe is chaired by former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge (R) and Former Governor Jennifer Granholm (D), and endorsed by Republican and Democratic Secretaries of State and leading civic organizations.
Every time there’s a false claim about secure voting, VoteSafe will be the voice of reason to provide the facts and encourage election officials everywhere to do what’s necessary to make every voter safe this year – whether voting by mail or voting in person.
Today's the launch of this much-needed coalition – but there's more to do.
You can get critical updates on absentee voting access, learn more about safe and secure in-person voting, and spread the word about the campaign by following VoteSafe on Twitter.

Your support of RepresentUS makes this possible. Thank you for helping protect American voters and our elections in this critical time.
Josh Silver Director RepresentUs