1) Supreme Court Ruling 1916
2) Supreme Court Ruling 2024
3) IRS: 16th Amendment is a Direct Tax
4) IRS: Legal Standing of Website Information
The Court clarified that income taxes aren’t really a tax on your labor. These are things which the courts have ruled the feds can't touch. Instead, it's a tax on activities, and the government is limited in what activities it can tax, because it can't tax activities which are rights.
To read more on how the IRS and politicians are draining us of our labor and money, click the link below and get your own copy of Taxation is Theft: How Politicians Rob You Blind.
Stay free, Dan Taxation is Theft Behrman
P.S. Feel free to send a copy to your accountant, your neighbor, or anyone who loathes—or loves —the IRS as much as you do. We are stronger TOGETHER! |