From Tia Nelson - Wisconsin Conservation Voters <[email protected]>
Subject A Special Message from Tia Nelson
Date December 30, 2024 6:46 PM
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Hi John,

My name is Tia Nelson.

Growing up, I spent summers at a camp near Spring Green learning to swim in the Wisconsin River, riding horses in the fields and forests of the beautiful Driftless area, and enjoying archery and artistry.

Even the chores we did served to shape my future as a conservationist. Those summers did much to make me who I am today, and have had a lasting impact on my feelings of connection to the natural world.

My father, former Governor and Senator Gaylord Nelson, founded Earth Day in 1970 and worked tirelessly throughout his career to protect Wisconsin's special places – its forests, wetlands, prairies, and water. He understood the deep connection between the land and the people of Wisconsin.

From the most ardent hunter to the fanatical bird watcher to the neighbor who just likes to read by the lake, Wisconsinites find purpose and respite in the natural world .

We develop a relationship with the land, water and air that deepens over time. These places provide us sustenance, and we must protect them in return.

One thing I know about Wisconsinites – they understand a sense of place. Maybe it wasn’t a summer camp for you. Maybe it’s your favorite fishing hole or your deer camp or even just that spot alongside a nearby stream that offers you sanctuary. Living in Wisconsin means you are of Wisconsin . Its places and spaces. Its beauty and its challenges. Its natural resources and abundance. Its people and our sense of community and shared purpose.

The Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program, which my father championed with Republican Governor Warren Knowles, is a now rare bipartisan effort that united lawmakers across party lines.

Created with the belief that conservation is not a partisan issue, but a shared responsibility, the fund has helped preserve and protect the state’s natural resources through land acquisition, conservation easements, and outdoor recreation projects. Funded through state bonds, the program requires legislative approval for continued funding.

Now, with the end of partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin, we have the opportunity to reignite this legacy of cooperation to ensure the future of our state’s natural resources.

In the coming year, Wisconsin Conservation Voters will be celebrating the impact of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and encouraging bipartisan cooperation on critical environmental issues: protecting public lands, clean drinking water, continued progress on transitioning Wisconsin into a clean energy future.
We can’t do this without you – and that’s why I’m asking you to support these efforts with a generous gift today .

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You can help lead Wisconsin forward into a new era of cooperation across party lines to protect our land, water, and air for the generations who will come after us.

Please join me in reaffirming our commitment to a future where Wisconsin’s natural beauty, biodiversity, and democracy remain vibrant and strong.

With your generosity , we can continue to protect the lands that provide us with clean air, clean water, and the opportunity to experience the outdoors in the way that we Wisconsinites have treasured for generations.

With gratitude and hope for the future,
Tia Nelson
Managing Director of the Climate program at the Outrider Foundation

P.S. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible donation, you can support our 501c3 sister organization, Wisconsin Conservation Voices, which connects Wisconsinites with the policy making process and voting through education, advocacy, and nonpartisan voter participation techniques. [[link removed]]

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Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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