EMILY's List has made a big difference in my life.
Hi there,
As the executive director of EMILY's List, I am deeply familiar with the work this organization does to elect pro-choice Democratic women.
And I've been on the other side of EMILY's List's long history of good work, too.
Donate to help hit our $75,000 35th Birthday Fund goal before midnight, and join the movement.
Before I came to EMILY's List, I served as an elected official in my home state of Maine. As the House Minority Leader, I worked with EMILY's List to take back our Democratic majority in 2012 — and had the privilege of a lifetime to be endorsed by EMILY's List when I ran for Congress in 2014 and 2016. So I know what it feels like to have this community standing with me, and can tell you firsthand: EMILY's List changes lives for the better.
We've been running a flash fund to celebrate our 35th birthday here at EMILY's List, and today is your last day to donate. Will you join us in celebrating 35 years of electing pro-choice Democratic women across the country?
Donate to support EMILY's List and help elect more women for the next 35 years and beyond:
Thank you, and GO TEAM!
Emily Cain
Executive Director, EMILY's List