John, 2024 was a marathon, not a sprint. We accomplished so much, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect upon some of the top hits.
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Sixteen Bills
During this year’s legislative session, we shipped over a package of 16 bills to accomplish four goals to move Maryland forward. These goals set out to make Maryland:
➡️ Safer
➡️ More Affordable
➡️ More Competitive
➡️ The State that Serves
We’re proud of the bi-partisan efforts to ensure all 16 of these bills passed through the legislature and I proudly signed these bills into law.
State of the State
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At the beginning of February, I gave the State of the State Address to reflect on the successes of 2023, and set forth goals for 2024 that would continue setting Maryland up for success. One thing we took away from that moment is that our state is strong .
This year, I announced the first state plan in a decade. My administration laid out its vision and strategies to accomplish ten priorities. We can set up specific metrics to track our progress with these targets. We’re expecting to announce key performance updates in 2025 — and we’re looking forward to sharing just how much progress we’ve been able to accomplish since announcing the State Plan.
Pardoning 175,000 convictions in Maryland
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In June, I signed the largest pardon in the country — making history in our great state. I signed an executive order pardoning 175,000 convictions related to the possession of cannabis. This is a huge milestone for Maryland after the legalization of cannabis in 2023.
Getting Out the Vote
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In Maryland and across the country, my team and I spent countless hours traveling to ensure that every single voter cast their ballot in the 2024 election. While we didn’t get the results we were looking for, we got great turnout and met some special people along the way.
Wins in Maryland
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We made history here in Maryland electing Angela Alsobrooks as our Senator, the first Black Senator elected in our state. We also elected several members to the House of Representatives who will continue to fight to make this Maryland’s decade.
Onto the New Year
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Now we’re winding down before the new year kicks into full swing. I’m excited to get down to work and see what else there is in store to continue making this Maryland’s decade.
That’s a wrap!
P.S. We have an important December goal we need to hit by tomorrow at midnight. Can you make a donation toward our goal? [[link removed]]
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