Hey friend, it’s J.P.
I just checked our ActBlue account, and it looks like we’re not going to hit our fundraising goal unless we see an additional $3,619 come in the door before midnight tomorrow.
If every person reading this email chipped in just $1, we’d hit our goal with time to spare. But I know that not everyone is able to give right now, so if you can, I’m asking you to do a little more and give $5, $10, $25, or whatever makes sense for you. Your donation will help us make up ground on our goal and lay the groundwork for 2025 and beyond.
This is really important. I have a personal link for your contribution before the end of the year right here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/[email protected]
Thanks, team.
J.P. Boyle
Development Director
Sent from my iPhone