Why doesn’t everyone know their names?
Dear friend of Israel,
Itay Chen, 19; Edan Alexander, 21; Sagui Dekel-Chen, 35.These are three of the eight Americans captured and held by Hamas in their tunnels beneath Gaza for 450 days thought to still be alive.
Why is it that every American does not know their names? Why have so many Americans been killed by Palestinian terrorists that nobody knows about?
Why is it then, with the passing of President Jimmy Carter, everyone immediately thinks of the 53 American hostages that were held in the American Embassy in Tehran for 444 days? Do people even know that the hostages being held in Gaza include American citizens?
Do you know that EMET, since its founding, has worked on the issue of justice for all Americans that have been harmed or murdered by foreign terrorists? Did you know that we vigorously worked to pass the Koby Mandell Act and to open the Office of Justice for American Victims of Overseas Terrorism in the Department of Justice?
As we are fortunate enough to be able to gather with loved ones or friends to light our Hanukah menorahs, think about the 251 families who have been going through a long, nightmarish hell wondering if their loved ones are alive or dead, what conditions they are in, contemplating a long, cold winter in the terror tunnels.
You know that there is at least one organization that will never forget these names. Names that should be on everyone’s lips when they speak to their members of Congress.
That organization is EMET.
That is among the many things that we, here at EMET, strive to do. Please see our website at www.emetonline.org ([link removed]) to find out more.
Please give to EMET so that these American citizens might have a chance of being reunited with their families.
Thank you and we wish you a Happy Chanukah and a Happy New Year.
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