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Unleash Prosperity Hotline
Issue #1172
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1) Trump Gets It Right On Work Visas

We were overjoyed that President Trump announced he supports expanding work visas. As he told the New York Post this weekend

"I've always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That's why we have them."

He's exactly right: legal immigration, yes; illegal immigration, no.

The most recent 2024 report by the Congressional Budget Office on the fiscal impact of immigrants finds:

The increase in immigration boosts federal revenues as well as mandatory spending and interest on the debt in CBO's baseline projections, lowering deficits, on net, by $0.9 trillion over the 2024-2034 period. Some of the effects on the budget result from the increase in the number of people paying taxes and collecting federal benefits.

The nonpartisan American Immigration Council found in their 2024 report:

"This year, the percentage of New American companies has reached a new high: 46 percent of Fortune 500 companies in 2024 were founded by immigrants or the children of immigrants."

These entrepreneurial American businesses extend well beyond high-tech:

The revenues of these first and second generation immigrant companies exceed the GDP of every country in the world, other than the US and China:

In other words, more immigrants mean more, not fewer jobs for Americans.

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2) Canada Needs a Trump Not a Trudeau 

Donald Trump has certainly gotten the attention of Canadian citizens with his jibes that Canada could become America's "51st state."

Canada is our biggest trading partner and our closest ally, but they won't be giving up their sovereignty. 

But what they should give up on is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has driven Canada's economy into a socialist and green energy ditch. The Economist magazine notes: Sadly, Canada's per capita income has fallen to below 70% of what it is in the U.S. The average Canadian is now poorer than the average resident of Alabama, America's fourth poorest state. 

Trump's trolling of Canada and talk of new tariffs is already spurring change. Trudeau has suddenly announced a plan to increase spending on border security and use canine teams and artificial intelligence to intercept illegal drugs. We doubt that would have happened absent Trump's taunts.

In the meantime, maybe Trump's other idea of electing Wayne Gretzky the next Prime Minister may have some skates.

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3) Even Europe Now Retreating From Green Energy

We've often reported on the crippling effect of Europe's high energy costs due to the continent's climate change fanaticism. So we were delighted to see that finally, European energy companies are starting to throw in the towel on windmills and solar panels.

Reuters reports that the European "Big Oil" companies are "slowing the roll out of green energy programs" that were all the rage a few years ago. BP, Shell, and even Norway's state-owned Equinor are having second thoughts on the wisdom of green energy. 

If you want a chuckle, listen to Douglas McIntyre, Editor-in-Chief at global warming newsletter Climate Crisis, who somberly admits that the green dream may be dying in Europe. His predictable solution is more taxes on oil and gas.

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4) Reagan Explains Tax Cuts and Deficits

Peggy Noonan's outstanding WSJ column this weekend contrasts the final days of the Reagan presidency versus the final days of Biden's time in office.

PLEASE take a few minutes to watch this clip of Reagan's final and masterful press conference on December 8, 1988. In stark contrast to Biden's rambling gibberish and disappearance from the stage, an aging Reagan was still lucid and in command of the facts.

In this clip, Reagan explains beautifully to UPI's Helen Thomas how his famous tax cuts did NOT cause the deficit problem.

Here is the transcript:

HELEN THOMAS: The world is applauding the initiative, the new detente, that you and President Gorbachev have initiated. But on the debit side, as you leave office, the Nation is saddled with a $2.6 billion debt, an enormous deficit, caused perhaps by the tripling of military spending, tax cuts. How does all this jibe with the goals that you set 8 years ago?...

REAGAN: Helen, I have to tell you it is incorrect to say that all of this happened because we cut taxes and the things that have happened in these last few years. I've said many times, and pointed out, that over 58 years in which the opposing party held the House of Representatives -- 54 of those 58 years -- and in those years there were only 8 scattered years in which there was a balanced budget...

Now, beginning in 1965, in the middle sixties, when President Johnson's program of the War on Poverty was put in place -- in the 15 years from then until 1980, the budget increased just about 5 times what it had been 15 years before. And the deficit increased to 58 times what it had been. So, we came in inheriting literally deficit spending built into the structure of government.

Now, with regard to the tax cuts -- yes, the rates were cut. But since 1981 our revenue from those taxes has increased by $375 billion, and our projection -- and we've been very accurate on our projections -- our projection for 1990, in the budget we're working on now, calls for another $80 billion increase in our revenues with the rates as they presently are.

If you look back beyond us to Coolidge and his tax cuts, if you look to the Kennedy tax cut in his administration -- which was very similar to the one that we later put in -- in every case, it did not reduce the Government revenues; it raised them. So, it is maintaining this and continuing to get back to a reduced spending, because while the revenue was increasing $375 billion, the spending increase was close to $100 billion more than that increase in revenues.

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5) The Left Is Going Bonkers Over DOGE Reforms

Regular readers know that we were the ones who advised Trump to create a government waste commission, and we're thrilled that he did it. We also predicted that for the swamp creature this would be like putting a cross in front of a vampire. 

One wouldn't think that the party that professes a belief in "good government" would be against bad and wasteful government.  Instead, they are in a panic. 

Consider this pitch (signed by Robert Reich) from to its members trying to raise millions of dollars to thwart the reform effort: 

The economic threat [from Trump] is dire: Elon Musk and his "Department of Government Efficiency" co-chair Vivek Ramaswamy have announced plans to cut $2 trillion--about 30% of the entire federal budget.  There's no way to slash the federal budget by one-third without devastating cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and other vital programs that millions of working Americans rely on. We can't let Trump and his wealthy friends destroy the economic security of millions of American families.

MoveOn has a proven track record of mobilizing grassroots power to defend our values and hold the line against extremism.

How is eliminating waste, duplication, fraud, and obsolescence in government "extreme”!?

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6) Good News! They Are Leaving Too! 

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