Your generosity helps convene events like the Equal Protection Summit, that brought together 80 of the country’s leading pro-life minds to discern how to bring legal protections for the right to life from 23 states to 50.
Laws are passed and hearts are changed because you give.
So as 2024 winds to a close, I urge you to help close the funding gap that currently gives the abortion industry a massive advantage in statehouses and in the media today.
Your gift to Americans United for Life will strategically unify the pro-life movement, advance pro-life laws, and protect pregnancy resource centers.
And when you give on or before December 31, your gift will automatically DOUBLE. Please give generously today to protect unborn children, vulnerable women, and pregnancy resource centers!
We can put an end to the culture of death. And we can build a true culture of life in its stead.
For the families of tomorrow,