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December 2024
Dear Eagle Friend,
We need you and you need us.
As we end 2024, one of the most contentious political years in modern American history, we are preparing for a new Trump Administration, a new Congress, and a new opportunity to advance real conservative policies!
But we need your support!
We have an ambitious agenda for 2025 to protect Life, strengthen the Family, preserve our children’s innocence, defend our Constitution, and safeguard American sovereignty.
Will you help us with an end-of-year donation TODAY?
In addition to your financial assistance, we need you to stay involved. At Eagle Forum, we are “do-ers, not hearers only.” We never hesitate to enter the fray. It is so important that Americans engage in politics. For us to affect the culture, then we need to speak up and be active. Let Eagle Forum be your guide and your voice in these battles.
Every week, we provide you with the Eagle Forum Capitol Hill Report, so you can know what is happening in Washington, D.C., and send Action Alerts to help you weigh in with Congress and the Executive Branch. In addition, our monthly Eagle Forum Report tackles an important and pressing topic with news you can use and steps you can take to effect solutions. Don’t forget to renew your subscription for only $25!
Eagle Forum has been a leader of the Pro-Family movement since our founding more than 50 years ago. Just this month, the Equal Rights Amendment was again acknowledged to be “dead” – thanks to the work of Phyllis Schlafly and her Eagles. 
Please donate TODAY to help us continue our important work defending Faith, Family, and Freedom.
We led the fight against the pernicious “transgender” ideology with our sensational 2019 expose, “Sex, Lies, and Children”. Since then, more than half of the states have passed laws against cross-sex hormones and surgeries on children. Many states used our model legislation to protect children, and the Supreme Court just heard a case involving one such law from Tennessee.
Eagle Forum fought against the COVID restrictions on our fundamental five First Amendment freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and to petition our government for redress. Five years later, we have seen the devastating effects of the government-mandated shutdown on our basic rights, including the loss of learning in children and the loss of religion in adults.
With your help, we will fight in 2025 on so many important issues. We must reclaim a culture of LIFE, our fundamental first freedom. Our taxpayer money should not be used for abortion. We must cut the bureaucracy that interferes with real education. The estimate is that 40 percent of American schoolchildren are behind their grade level. We cannot fail to teach the next generation. Please support our Student Eagle program, which trains teenagers in government and civics.

Let Eagle Forum be your guidestar. We have a new beginning in 2025 and we must take this opportunity to remake America. Our best days can be ahead of us — but only we are actively engaged.

It is an honor for me to volunteer for Eagle Forum. It is an honor for me to continue my mother’s important work. Please join me in saving America.
Anne Schlafly
Chairman, Eagle Forum
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