There is less than 48 hours left in 2024 which means there is less than 48 hours to make a donation to World BEYOND War this year and get the tax deduction (while you still can)!
We know we’ve asked before but we’re going to ask one last time this year: will you consider making even a small donation today in support of our work next year to end war?
We can’t do this work alone. Many of us aren’t sure what we can do personally to put an end to the horrors and devastation being perpetuated across the world by war. Contributing to World BEYOND War is one very real and very impactful way you can further the global anti-war movement. We’ve made SO MUCH progress this year with such a modest organizational budget, and we can do SO MUCH more with more financial support. And if you make a donation for $15 or more a month as a recurring donation, pick a gift on us! And even better news: any and all donations made in the U.S. are tax deductible to the full extent of the law - take advantage of that while you still can!
Thank you for being here, for reading, watching, and following along on the work we’re doing; for joining webinars, online courses, and book clubs; and, for showing up for actions to help shut down the war machine. The world and planet need each and every one of us to rise up against militarism. We thank you for being part of that in whatever capacity you’re able.
Here’s to a new year of peace and an end to war. Happy (almost) New Year!
World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
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World BEYOND War
• 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 | USA
• PO Box 152 | Toronto PO E, ON, M6H 4E2 | Canada
• CC Unicentro Bógota, Local 2-222 | Postal Code (Apartado Postal): 358646 | Colombia