Don’t leave any matching gift money unclaimed! Make your donation for peace and justice today.
American Friends Service Committee
New goal of $250,000 by 12/31
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Dear John,
Last week, I wrote to share that a generous donor was matching gifts up to $200,0000. Today I am pleased to announce an additional $50,000 has been added to our matching gift challenge, but only until the end of the year! Will you help us secure every dollar and meet our new goal of $250,000 with a generous donation today?
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As we move into 2025, your gift helps people across the U.S. and around the world in countless ways:
- You’ll be helping displaced families in Gaza meet dire needs such as food, water, hygiene kits, and educational supplies. You’ll also be supporting work for a future free from violence.
- You’ll be helping immigrants stay together with loved ones and asylum seekers pursue their claims. You’ll also be helping communities address root causes of migration.
- You’ll be helping people in New Orleans, West Virginia, New Mexico, and other communities address food insecurity. You’ll also be helping them advocate for climate and people-friendly policy change.
Please donate now to help meet urgent needs and build conditions for just and lasting peace in the year ahead.
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In peace,
Joyce Ajlouny
General Secretary
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American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
United States
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