Friend, this is a critical time for our planet. For the vulnerable wildlife being pushed to the brink of extinction. For the cherished public lands threatened by destructive drilling and mining. For the communities grappling with toxic pollution that soils their air and water.
But with less than 48 hours to go until our December 31 midnight deadline, we're falling behind on our year-end goal. How much we can accomplish — how great of an impact we make — depends on the generosity and commitment of supporters like you.
The challenges we face today are serious – but they're not insurmountable. Together, we have the power to change course. This year alone, we've gained critical Endangered Species Act protections, blocked new offshore drilling and oil pipelines that would have worsened the climate crisis, pushed the Biden administration to expand cherished national monuments, and much more.
This progress is real and meaningful, but it is fragile — and we must move quickly to continue our momentum. Show your support with a donation right now, and we will send you a Sierra Club as a special thank-you gift.