
We knew this election season was going to be an uphill battle -- but no one could have predicted just how quickly Democratic candidates across the country would need to adapt to the new reality of virtual campaigning.

Grassroots organizing has always been central to Democrats’ success, but now that energized volunteers can no longer go door-to-door in their communities, campaigns are getting creative in how they connect with voters. They’re making more phone calls, sending more texts, and devoting more resources to online ads -- but going fully digital presents its own set of challenges. Will you donate $200, $100, or $50 today to ensure that Democratic candidates across the country can run effective digital campaigns?

→ Chip in $200 to help campaigns place digital ads in targeted districts across the country
→ Chip in $100 to help campaigns reach swing voters via text
→ Chip in $50 to help fund candidates' Zoom town halls
→ Or, chip in whatever you can today and help Democrats go digital!

The GOP will stop at nothing to outspend Democrats, especially when it comes to political ads on Facebook and other high-traffic sites. And if we’re going to close that gap between now and November, we can't take any race for granted in this new political landscape. That’s why any amount that you can contribute today will make a huge difference -- so can we count on you to chip in whatever you can and help Democrats prepare for the most important election season of our lifetimes?

Blue Momentum PAC
Ted Lieu for Congress · United States
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Paid for by Ted Lieu for Congress