Dear Friend,
Have you noticed that solid biblical teaching is becoming scarce in today’s culture?
Many people desire faithful, well-trained leaders to guide them into a greater understanding of God’s Word.
Yet, across America and around the world, the shortage of trained pastors remains critical.
In their search for truth, many turn to the nearest YouTube channel or social media influencer for guidance. Some individuals pose as though their teaching is Scripture-based, but their messages are often far from the truth.
The challenge is real; it has become difficult to find quality biblical resources and leaders who will proclaim the gospel without compromise.
There’s an incredible need around the world for trustworthy pastors and ministry leaders, and we are excited to be a part of the solution.
For 100 years, Dallas Theological Seminary has been dedicated to filling this gap. We are proud to develop leaders who stand firm in biblical truth.
We believe that each life touched and rooted in the Word of God is worth every effort. That’s why we are committed to training reputable leaders who can share biblical truth in churches and through ministries worldwide.
And you can help.
Your support equips ministry leaders with biblical clarity and theological wisdom, and it provides free access to God’s Word for thousands. If this is a future that you can envision, I invite you to join us in continuing to equip believers for generations to come.
Would you consider making a gift today?
In honor of the 100th anniversary of DTS a generous group of supporters is offering a $500,000 Match Challenge. Any gift you make today will have double the impact and go toward equipping the next generation of ministry leaders who are desperately needed.
Please make your gift now by using this secure donation page link: