Hey there Just a quick note to make sure you saw yesterday’s email from Attorney General Holder. It resonated with a lot of folks, so we’re forwarding the full note below. It comes down to this: How successful the next administration is in passing an anti-democratic agenda depends on what we do in this moment. We have a plan — let’s go make it happen.
Thank you, Team NDRC ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: A.G. Holder Date: Thurs, Dec 26, 2024 Subject: It's not the time for acceptance and resignation Next month, Donald Trump and a radical Republican-led federal government will take office. For much of his first presidency, Trump’s incompetence tended to mitigate somewhat the impact of his malevolence. But he still managed to seriously damage our democracy because many of the checks in our Constitution simply didn’t work. The Supreme Court, his attorneys general, the Senate and the House signed off on key pillars of a dangerous, anti-democracy agenda and always failed to hold him accountable. Given this, one thing is abundantly clear headed into Trump’s second term: The only check left on his power is us. It’s the power of the people: a power that is too often underestimated and too infrequently used. This is not a time for acceptance and resignation — this is the time for commitment and action. The Trump Republican Party just isn’t that into democracy — because their priority isn’t respecting the will of the people; it’s accruing the power to implement their agenda that caters to the special interests and perpetuates their illegitimate political control. Want a recent example? Last month in North Carolina, in a lame duck legislative session and over the governor’s veto, Republicans added anti-democracy provisions (in a disaster relief bill!) that will take power away from the Democratic governor and give it to the newly elected Republican auditor. They are also attempting to restrict the ability of the incoming Democratic Attorney General to legally oppose any measures they might pass. It’s clear that Republicans care more about political control than getting needed relief to hurricane victims in the state. It’s also clear that they are willing to break our democracy to keep power they illegitimately hold. In the long run, the history of American democracy has always been one of grinding, halting, uneven success — even in the face of tyranny. So it must be again. Here’s the thing, though: We have to work for it. The path to progress has never been blazed through inertia. The NDRC has a strong 10 Year Plan. We know these efforts are paying off, and we know how to execute — we just need to make sure we have the financial resources to fund this work. Thanks again, Eric H. Holder, Jr.
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